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UDI系统包括两个核心部分。The UDI system consists of two core items.

这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪梅纽因。The soloist in the violin concerto was yeh udi menuhin.

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伊朗国家运作的媒体称,UDI对自由选举的呼吁实际上是军队介入伊朗的借口。Iran's state-operated media described the UDI call for free elections as an excuse for military intervention in Iran.

一套UDI系统可以被用于鉴别设备和其生命周期中相关的信息。A UDI system may be used to identify a device and the information associated with that device throughout its lifetime.

他的父母在1978年反对UDI政权而发动的游击战中被杀。He claims that both his parents were killed in 1978 during the height of the guerrilla war waged against the UDI regime.

UDI是医疗器械唯一的数字或字母代码,并且应加印于器械标签的右下方。The UDI is a numeric or alphanumeric code unique to the medical device that should be placed at the bottom right of the device label.

在发展领域,UDI认识到穷人足智多谋、具有创造性,而且常常通过他们自己的手段解决他们自己的问题。In the world of development, UDI recognises that poor people are resourceful, innovative and often solve their own problems through their own means.

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报告确定了UDI系统的几个潜在的好处,包括鉴别设备或者潜在过敏反应的不相容性。The reports identified several potential benefits of a UDI system, including identifying incompatibility with devices or potential allergic reactions.

过去几年中,FDA遇到很多风险投资者,发现大多数都支持发展UDI系统作为改善病人安全的一种途径。Over the past year, FDA met with various stakeholders and found that most supported the development of a UDI system as a way to improve patient safety.

谷歌副总裁乌迪。漫波在博客中写道,“我们的目标是鼓励那些熟识特定科目的知识的人来撰写相关的权威性的文章。"Our goal is to encourage people who know a particular subject to write an authoritative article about it, " Udi Manber, a Google vice president, wrote on the blog.

另外,代理处想学习各种自动鉴别技术,如条码和放射频,以用于UDI系统。一系列问题以及UDI可能的外观问题也包括在联邦登记簿公告中。In addition, the agency wants to hear about various automatic identification technologies, such as bar code and radiofrequency, which could be used with a UDI system.

在提评论期间,FDA想了解发展和应用UDI系统对于医疗设备的可行性、有效性及花费。During the comment period, FDA wants to learn about the feasibility, utility, benefits and costs associated with developing and implementing a UDI system for medical devices.