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妮娜你选了什么Nina what did you do?

请大点声说Nina. Say again loudly.

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妮娜,抱歉我说错了Nina, okay Nina I'm sorry.

告诉妮娜怎样去学校。Tell how Nina gers to school.

尼娜和托尼都吃了一惊。Both Nina and Tony are stunned.

她安慰着心烦意乱的泰瑞。Nina consoles the distraught Teri.

那是韩文​​,杰克。"They're Korean, Jack, " said Nina.

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嗨,妮娜·皮尔森,你们没事吧?Hi. Nina Pearson. Are you kids okay?

接着,他派了一队支援去鲍尔的家宅。Nina sends backup to the Bauer home.

杰克和尼娜通过电话听到伊菜对金姆动了手。Jack and Nina listen as Eli attacks Kim.

妮娜和大卫受不了那些噪声。Nina and David couldn’t stand the noise.

尼娜含糊地找了个借口就赶紧走开了。Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away.

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是安娜吗,大点声,我没听见Nina. Ana? Shout it out so everyone hears.

他向宁娜求婚,遭到拒绝。He feathered up to Nina but was turned down.

妮娜和凯找的同学请起立Nina and Kai get your guy to stand up there.

从德拉赞一伙所在的红色客货两用车上,杰克打电话到反恐组与尼娜通话。From Drazen’s red van Jack calls Nina at CTU.

梅森召唤尼娜和托尼来到杰克工作的办公室。Mason summons Nina and Tony to Jack's office.

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尼娜拔出了她的枪,下定决定该如何做。Nina pulls out her gun and decides what to do.

尼娜快步走进,将泰瑞和金姆带往安全屋。Nina rushes in to take Teri to the safe house.

与此同时,在工业区,尼娜醒了过来。Meanwhile at the industrial site Nina wakes up.