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此事件导致后来的阿比西尼亚危机。This leads to the Abyssinia Crisis.

最后,还使用一切方法煽动阿比西尼亚起义。Finally the revolt in abyssinia was being fanned by every means.

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所有它在利比亚和阿比西尼亚的军队,将变成拆下来插在瓶中的花朵一样。All her troops in Libya and in Abyssinia would be cut flowers in a vase.

位于非洲东北部的一个共和国,以前被叫作阿比西尼亚。Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa formerly called Abyssinia.

1941年3月12日,英军在阿比西尼亚执行为期6个月的任务期间拍摄拍摄。This is a British military mission which has been in Abyssinia for 6 months, shown March 12, 1941.

意大利军队在战争快结束时使用了化学武器,阿比西尼亚于1936年春被占领。At the end of a struggle during which the Italian army used chemical weapons, Abyssinia was conquered in the spring of 1936.

没有巩固的和平与团结,没有人民的动员,抗战的前途便会蹈袭阿比西尼亚的覆辙。Unless peace and unity are consolidated, unless the people are mobilized, our armed resistance will meet the same fate as Abyssinia 's.

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在执行这个反动政策的过程中,曾经牺牲了半个中国给日本,牺牲了整个阿比西尼亚、整个西班牙、整个奥国、整个捷克给德意。In pursuit of this reactionary policy they sacrificed half of China to Japan, and the whole of Abyssinia , Spain, Austria and Czechoslovakia to Italy and Germany.

仔细研究迁徙者的名单,我们会发现,这些迁徙者中几乎没有弱者,也没有无法忍受迫害才加入队伍的人员存在。A close examination of the list of people who travelled to Abyssinia shows that hardly any of the weak and vulnerable elements who were subjected to unbearable torture joined the travellers.

我们还在今年五月间,就对于这个问题大声疾呼地警告过当权的国民党,指出了没有民众起来抗战,就会蹈袭阿比西尼亚的覆辙。Early in May this year we warned the ruling Kuomintang in all seriousness that unless the masses of the people were aroused to resist, China would follow the same path to disaster as Abyssinia.