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第六,神奇式思考Magical thinking.

本人有一本魔法书。I have a magical book.

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魔法物品都是未鉴定的。magical stuff is un ided.

欢迎进入魔法门的世界!Welcome to this magical world!

娟秀可爱像神光。Elegant and lovely as magical light.

一位前男友有着不可思议的手指。One ex-boyfriend had magical fingers.

我就要展开一段奇妙的探险了。I'm about to go on a magical adventure.

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它可是一款奇妙的火狐插件。It's a Firefox add-on, and it's magical.

能在圆顶玻璃房里住上一个晚上是一件很神奇的事情。Spending a night in an igloo is magical.

它们敏捷而敏感——实在神奇。They were lithe and sensuous—just magical.

我害怕失去这座有魅力的城市。I fear losing this wondrously magical city.

明亮的紫色可以散发出一种有魔力的感觉。Brighter purples can exude a magical feeling.

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那是大自然中最迷人的时刻。In nature, those are magical, magical moments.

这些凝胶状物质有什么特别神奇之处呢?What's so magical about these gelatinous masses?

容器有点类似于有魔力的黑盒。The container is something of a magical black box.

日本三丽鸥主题公园是充溢神奇的地方。This Japanese Sanrio theme park is rather magical.

还有,你与魔幻现实主义的关系如何?Also, what is your relationship to magical realism?

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因此,你将如何告诉计算机来做具有魔力的事情呢?So how do you tell a computer to do magical things?

苏珊娜和神奇乐团9442的朋友。Susanna And The Magical Orchestra has 9442 friends.

大王喜欢这种道术吗?Would Your Majesty like this kind of magical power?