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但是你觉得他很可怕。But you thought he was creepy.

他的故事使我毛骨耸然。His story made me feel creepy.

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我经常跟你说他很烦。I always told you he was creepy.

你是某种蠕动的窥淫癖者。You're some kind of creepy voyeur.

第二张照片真令人毛骨悚然。That second photo is beyond creepy.

但是,毫无疑问的,这肯定会有少少的恐惧。But it was definitely a little creepy.

这个鬼片很恐怖!!!Creepy Grudge Ghost Girl in the Mirror!

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我的意思是这些话有点肉麻…I mean these sound a little bit creepy.

但是他的眼睛是睁开的,这太奇怪了。Oi, but his eyes are open, that's creepy.

因此我觉得这个楼梯有点不那么让人舒服。Therefore I thought this staircase was creepy.

我不喜欢新来的经理,他令人毛骨悚然。I don't like our new manager. He's really creepy.

我无法想象任何人喜欢自己被称作怪胎。I can't imagine anyone liking to be called creepy.

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如果你不喜欢针的话,这个过程是令人毛骨悚然的。The procedure is creepy if you don’t like needles.

长长的草像蠕动的爬虫使他们腿发痒。Long grass tickled their legs like creepy crawlies.

听上去怕怕的。我想想看。鸟的排泄物?Ok, sounds creepy. Let me guess. The bird excrement?

那个讨厌的男孩像是咱们隔壁骑摩托车的人。That creepy looking motorcyclist from the next door.

一旦你得到她们,你就得到许多令人毛骨悚然的家伙。As soon as you get them, you get loads of creepy guys.

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就像一想到要去看牙医就让你毛骨耸然一样。It’s more like the thought of going to a creepy dentist.

当我们驶过墓地时,我看到了一些可怕的事情。As we drove past the cemetery, I saw something really creepy.

这枚吓人的蜘蛛蛋糕是制造恐怖气氛的绝佳道具。This crawly spider cake is perfect for setting a creepy mood.