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瓦妮莎竟没有在乎我对她男朋友的轻慢。It was a miracle that Vanessa didn't get upset over my slighting her boyfriend.

以色列王闷闷不乐地回了撒玛黎雅,进了自己的宫殿。And the king of Israel returned to his house, slighting to hear, and raging came into Samaria.

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然而,他们自己却因为忽略或轻视长期影响,而犯下了更严重的错误。But in themselves ignoring or slighting the long-run effects, they are making the far more serious error.

你以前工作讨论了一些你不喜欢,但避免犯这些史学家忽略任何参考以前的雇主。Discuss the things you didn't like, but avoid making slighting reference to any of your former employers.

这是一类的歪理邪说,其中,轻视上帝和他的恩典,使得所有的救赎,靠的就是人。This is one class of heresies which, slighting God and His grace, makes all salvation depend on man alone.

渠道出身的荣秀丽在经营天宇手机上有一套不同的玩法。The channel family background's glory in manages on the universe handset to have set of different slighting the law beautifully.

然而有效的实施探究教学要受到很多因素的影响,课堂环境就是一个不容忽视的因素。However, there are several factors influenced implementing inquiry teaching effectively, classroom environment is a no slighting one.

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她从未想到自己会因为没有冷眼看待史密斯夫人这样一位老朋友而得到报答,可是现在她确实因此而得到了报答!She had never considered herself as entitled to reward for not slighting an old friend like Mrs Smith, but here was a reward indeed springing from it!

文章在对小基准线法优缺点作了概略讨论后,提出了小基准线法及建立中应注意的问题。It discusses the advantage and defect of the short sighting alignment. Some problems of the arrangement of short slighting alignment are also pointed out.

界定人力资本产权的归属的问题是企业人力资本投资研究中的一个不可忽视的理论问题。The question of partition of the structure and the ascription of human capital property rights is not a slighting theoretic question in the corporation human capital investment research.