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使用你的幽默。Engage your humor.

交一个幽默的死党。Find a humor buddy.

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你们发现这挺幽默的。Now, you get geek humor.

幽默是生存之道。Humor is a way to survive.

喜欢你幽默感。I like your sens of humor.

我欣赏他的幽默感。I admire his sense of humor.

而幽默感也是很重要的一环。And a sense of humor is vital.

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可是幽默能使我们更聪明吗?But can humor make us smarter?

我告诉你,是上帝发明了幽默。I tell you, God invented humor.

随时保持你的幽默感。Keep your sense of humor handy.

他有与众不同的幽默感。He has a way-out sense of humor.

漫画结合了艺术和幽默。A cartoon combines art and humor.

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而那节是讲幽默的。And that is the lecture on humor.

幽默就是意在引人发笑的写作。Humor is mean to laugh in writing.

马克有与众不同的幽默感。Mark has a way-out sense of humor.

水瓶座的人富有幽默感。Aquarians have a good sense of humor.

真正的幽默是充满著智慧。Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.

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他是个缺乏幽默感的人。He is a man without a sense of humor.

他唱歌于自己心情开朗。He sang himself into a happier humor.

他的演讲充满了机智与幽默。Him speech was full of wit and humor.