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这项工程似乎令他着迷。The project seems to obsess him.

这是当然的,因为我对这些事情最入迷。It’s certainly the thing that I obsess about the most.

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外表要看的过去,但别被你的外表拖累。Look presentable, but don’t obsess over your appearance.

接受那些你一直在想的但是你又不能控制的事情。Accept that some things you obsess about are out of your control.

对那些深陷贸易赤字的人来说,这可是增值税的积极一面。For people who obsess about trade deficits this is seen as a positive feature.

诚然,时尚达人一心关注新的笔记型电脑能否塞进他们的小皮包里。True, fashionistas obsess over whether a new laptop will fit into their purses.

她们不再粘着我们,只因为这是所有女孩子们心灵深处的梦想。They continue to obsess us because it is truly, deeply what all little girls want.

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给宝宝起一个什么样的名字,是无数父母们最上心的事情。What to name a baby is one of the first things that expecting parents obsess about.

虽然天才呆子也会着迷和解构,但他这么做是为了去实现一个目标。And while a nerdist will obsess and deconstruct, it’s all in an effort to reach a goal.

我们沉迷于工作的部分原因是我们希望不犯任何错误。Part of the reason why we obsess over our work is because we want it to be mistake-free.

如果你的目标是为了停止吃太多的巧克力奶油圣代,那么你在吃它们的时候会有些困惑。If your goal is to stop eating so many hot-fudge sundaes, you’ll obsess about eating them.

你和你的女朋友有没有在减肥还是健康的问题上纠结呢?Or did you and your girlfriends obsess together about being thin and having perfect bodies?

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我知道他们会说你只会找到另一个身体部位去代替,但它仍是我的梦想。I know they say that you’ll just find another body part to obsess over, but it’s still my dream.

这些困惑的问题,不会因为当事人是天子或陶朱公就能免除的。The confused questions obsess everyone, even a king or the very rich man doesn't make a exception.

这一年还没有全部过去,但是,我们可以向你们保证,我们会继续把精力聚焦在客户身上。We haven’t in past years. However, we can assure you that we’ll continue to obsess over customers.

这些困惑的问题,不会因为当事人是天子或陶朱公就能免除的。The confused questions obsess everyone, even a king or the very rich man doesn't make an exception.

看到你的恐惧但不要深陷恐惧,否则你会持续不断地给自己恐惧的理由!Recognize your fears but don't obsess or you'll continue to give yourself more reasons to be afraid!

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我将会为你奏木琴,我将会让我走进你的心,让你沉浸在爱中,你让我着迷。Xylophone I will play for you, I will take my heart to you, Addict you in my love, Obsess you make me.

我们迷恋那些伤我们的人是因为那样很享受,见鬼的是,有时候甚至很有趣。The reason we obsess about people who hurt us is because it's comfortable. Heck, sometimes it's even fun.

我不曾参加关于外星人的活动,也对收看关于外星事件的电视节目毫无兴趣。I have not attended alien conventions and do not obsess about watching television programming on alien encounters.