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蛇皮脚怎么治?How is snakeskin foot treated?

你想要什么,蛇皮先生?What do you want, Mr. Snakeskin?

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然后她拿起来他的蛇皮包。Then she picked up her snakeskin bag.

在一个小店里买的这件蛇纹上衣。Bought the snakeskin blouse in a thrift store.

要是我没碰那张蛇皮该有多好,吉姆。I wish that I'd never touched that snakeskin , Jim.

他把蛇皮扔进炉子里,眼看着被火烧成了灰烬。He threw the snakeskin into the fire and watched it burn.

他把蛇皮扔进炉子�,眼看著被火烧成了灰烬。He threw the snakeskin into the fire and watched it burn.

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我怀疑那张蛇皮给我们带来的坏运气还在起作用。I suspect that snakeskin is still working its bad luck on us.

穿戴我如今最爱的两个时髦元素,酒红和蛇纹。Wearing two of my favorite obsession right now, burgundy and snakeskin.

浅米色小牛皮皮带,饰有金属扣,配以同色蛇皮内层。Pale beige calf leather belt with metal buckle enriched with a tonal snakeskin inlay.

这些黑色使用蛇皮,加上明亮的绿色让这款鞋很是惊艳。These black kicks use snakeskin and touches of bright green for a very hot looking shoe.

她把摊在柜台上的东西,一一收拾好,重新装到蛇皮袋里,背在肩上。She took the stand on the counter, one one pack, reinstalled over snakeskin bag, on his shoulders.

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年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨着,烧了蛇皮以后会怎么样呢?The young man thanked the hermit, but he was concerned. What would happen if he burned the snakeskin?

年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨著,烧了蛇皮以后会怎麽样呢?The young man thanked the hermit, but he was concerned. What would happen if he burned the snakeskin?

他还说,摸蛇皮的恶运非同小可,说不定我们遭到的灾祸还没有尽头呢。And he said that handling a snakeskin was such awful bad luck that maybe we hadn't got to the end of it yet.

他站上去检查衣柜上面,只见有一张卷好了的蛇皮放在那,闪闪发光。He stepped up on the seat and looked on top of the wardrobe, and there neatly coiled, ay the shiny snakeskin.

他站上去检查衣柜上面,只见有一张卷好了的蛇皮放在那,闪闪发光。He stepped up on the seat and looked on top of the wardrobe, and there neatly coiled, lay the shiny snakeskin.

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这款独特的钥匙扣一面小镜子,另一面是青铜小牛皮相框,上面镶有烟石英色水晶。This exclusive key holder offers a mirror and a small photo frame in bronze snakeskin and Smoky Quartz Crystal Mesh.

现在,像蛇皮一样的图案可能非常适于一只时髦的章鱼尝试与背景相混合。Now, a kind of snakeskin print might be just the thing for a fashionable octopus trying to blend in with the smart set.

他们刚一离开,年轻人就马上去了他们的卧室找那张蛇皮,但是没有找到。As soon as they left the house, the young man slipped into their bedroom to look for the snakeskin , but he couldn't find it.