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在外场位置的外野手。The position played by an outfielder.

因此,露丝成为代替投手外野手。So Ruth became an outfielder instead of a pitcher.

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外野手快跑接住了飞向中外野的远球。The outfielder pulled down a long drive to center-field.

我的朋友对布朗队的单臂外场手印象尤其深刻。My friend specially racalled the Browns' one-armed outfielder.

巨人队的外场手亚伦·罗万德称他们的投手起了关键作用。Giants outfielder Aaron Rowand says their pitching made the difference.

王建民从小学四年级开始打棒球,担任过投手、一垒手和外野手。Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade as a pitcher first baseman and outfielder.

小王在小学四年级的时候开始接触棒球,担任过投手、一垒手,还有外野手。Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade, as a pitcher, first baseman and outfielder. He.

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芝加哥小熊队的外野手索萨本赛季成绩出色,打了66个本垒打,只比破纪录的马克少打了4个。The Chicago Cubs outfielder Sosa had an outstanding season hitting 66 homers. Only four less than record Breaking Mark.

纽约洋基队提供这名前全明星外野手一纸小联盟合约和春训的邀请函。The New York Yankees have offered the former All-Star outfielder a minor league contract and an invite to spring training.

冒着受重伤的危险,外场手勇敢地跳向水泥墙,接住那个猛力击出的球。Risking serious injury, the outfielder made an audacious leap against the concrete wall and caught the powerfully hit ball.

外场手冒着受重伤的危险,向水泥墙大胆一跃,抓住了那个强劲的击球。Risking serious injury, the outfielder made an audacious leap against the concrete wall and caught the powerfully hit ball.

洋基队提供了外野手威廉斯非大联盟选手的春训邀请函,这是运动画刊官网在星期三所报导的消息。New york--the yankees have offered outfielder bernie williams a non-guaranteed minor league invitation to spring training si. com reported wednesday.

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此外,外野手松井秀喜由于上星期在洋基球场面对金莺时候左脚拉伤没能上场。Additionally, outfielder Hideki Matsui was let loose for the first time since straining his left hamstring in a contest against the Orioles at Yankee Stadium last week.

根据许多报导指出,这名外野手倾向不接受洋基提供的小联盟合约,而选择等待正式名单的位置。According to multiple reports, the outfielder is not inclined to accept the Yankees' offer of a non-guaranteed Minor League contract, instead opting to wait for a guaranteed roster spot.

足球明星贝克汉姆、歌手瑞奇·马丁、德州游骑兵棒球队的外野手胡安·刚萨雷斯,这些外表光鲜的都市玉男偶像已经取代了象切·格瓦拉这样的头发凌乱的革命英雄。Wild-haired revolutionaries like Che Guevara have been replaced by clean-cut metrosexual icons like soccer star David Beckham, musician Ricky Martin and Texas Rangers outfielder Juan Gonzalez.