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我们正处于最后冲刺阶段。We are in the homestretch now.

马在终点直道上不肯跑了。The horse folded up in the homestretch.

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赛跑者拐入了终点直道。The runner rounded into the homestretch.

赛马师把马停在赛道的最上方。The jockey pulled the horse up at the top of the homestretch.

他们希望最后几天延长营业时间能够增加商店的盈利。They were hoping the extra hours would help their profits in the homestretch.

但是,各位,如今我们已经处于竞选的最后阶段,再过一两个星期,这一切就都过去了。But folks, now we're in the homestretch -- only a couple of weeks until it's all over.

怀孕中期马上就要结束了,你的身体正在做产前的最后准备。The second trimester is coming to an end and your body is gearing up for the prenatal homestretch.

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当你朝着最后终点迈进的时候,你应该会增加10--15磅重量。You should be packing about 10 to 15 extra pounds as you head down the homestretch to the finish line.

11月1日上午,我参加了圣巴巴拉城市学院的一场清晨集会,进入了大选最后的冲刺阶段。On November 1, I headed into the homestretch of the campaign with a morning rally at Santa Barbara City College.

他坐下来休息了很久,同时拼命地熬住,不叫自己睡着,然后小心翼翼地往下游走。He sat down and took a long rest, torturing himself meantime to keep awake, and then started warily down the homestretch.

奥巴马的机遇出现在市场沉陷之时,核心气质渐渐成为总统竞选终回对决的要点之一。That Obama's fortunes rose as the markets sank shows how central temperament has become in the homestretch of the presidential race.

在向2015年进行冲刺时,我们看到动力在继续增长,尤其是在应对孕产妇和新生儿死亡率方面,即你们议程上的又一项目。In the homestretch to 2015, we see the momentum continuing to build, especially to combat maternal and neonatal mortality, another item on your agenda.

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营救33名矿工的最后部分从当地时间星期二傍晚开始,星期三,31一岁的矿工弗朗西奥。阿瓦罗斯第一个被安全救出。The homestretch of the rescue operation for the 33 trapped miners began Tuesday evening local time, with 31-year-old Florencio Avalos the miner first to be hoisted to safety Wednesday.