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他是个乐观的生态旅游者。He is a optimistic ecotourist.

那是很乐观的行动。That’s an optimistic approach.

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但对此李彦博并不十分乐观。But Li is not very optimistic.

几何平均相比算术平均更加严谨It's a less optimistic version.

只有一位受访者表示乐观。Only one respondent was optimistic.

我看事情角力较量商酌达观。I hold an optimistic view of events.

萨尔蒙德在公众面前仍然保持着一派乐观。Salmond remains publicly optimistic.

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多么豁达的人生态度!How optimistic attitude towards life!

与快乐和乐观的人相伴。Be around happy and optimistic people.

我觉得你需要更乐观一点。I think you need to be more optimistic.

幸福的人偏于乐观。Happy people tend to be more optimistic.

我认为,我们有理由保持乐观。I think we have reason to be optimistic.

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我们完全有理由感到乐观。We have every reason to feel optimistic.

好了,我现在乐观假设。All right, so I'm going to be optimistic.

我对金价和银价持乐观态度。I'm optimistic about both gold and silver.

其它经济学家则保持着谨慎的乐观。Other economists are guardedly optimistic.

清华的施博士则说他对此持乐观态度。At Tsinghua, Dr. Shi says he is optimistic.

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刘华对他的前途很乐观。Liu Hua is very optimistic about his future.

我们总是让我们变得太乐观。We allowed ourselves to become too optimistic.

首先要乐天知命,知足常乐。First optimistic attitude to life, contentment.