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你不吃鳀鱼?You don't eat anchovy?

一个小凤尾鱼酱增加。A little anchovy sauce is added.

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鲑鱼排,先生,鱼酱,先生。Salmon steak, sir. Anchovy butter, sir?

马里布海滩闻起来都是鳀鱼味儿。Malibu Beach ' s smell is the flavor of anchovy.

紧紧地团在一起,没有一条凤尾鱼落单。Packed close together, no one anchovy stands out.

根据欧盟的规定,凤尾鱼渔场将依然关闭。The anchovy fisheries will stay closed, by EU order.

凤尾鱼生活在咸水里,淡水里很少见。The anchovy lives in salt water and is rarely found in fresh water.

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结果显示,鳀鱼的目标强度具有明显的频率特征和水深依赖性。It shows that anchovy has clear frequency and depth dependent characteristics.

我希望这个问题不会使你烦恼,但是调味汁里是否有鳀鱼?I hope this question won't be annoying, but is there any anchovy in the dressing?

配罗马菜心,帕马森芝士粉,银鱼柳和虾串。With heart of Romaine, Parmesan, Anchovy Dressing and Cajun dusted Prawn skewers.

目的减轻中毒症状,提高治愈率,降低死亡率。Objective To reduce rate oj patients whose skin were contaminated by anchovy poisoning.

捯碎的鳀鱼与双色甜椒、蒜片、牛奶、起司、鸡汤烩烤,加乘丰富滋味。Anchovy together with sweet-pepper, garlic, milk, chicken stock, and add cheese toasted.

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这些年,我给你做了些像花生酱鳀鱼三明治、鹅肝酱甜菜脆饼这种奇怪的东西给你吃。I made you some pretty weird meals over the years. Peanut butter and anchovy sandwiches.

制造过程是由小鱼和盐混合发酵140至200天而制成味道独特的鱼酱。It is traditionally made by mixing anchovy and salt allow to ferment for 140 to 200 days.

冷水团边缘应是鳀鱼越冬洄游的主要路径。The marginal region of the YSCWM seems to be the main wintering migration route of anchovy.

黄海中南部鳀鱼的排卵类型为多峰连续排卵型,一年产卵一次。Ovulation of the anchovy belongs to the multi-peak and continual type and spawn once a year.

沙丁鱼和鳀鱼等鱼类在捕食吃了这种藻类的浮游生物时引起中毒。Fish such as sardines and anchovy can get poisoned when they eat plankton that have eaten the algae.

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像沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼在吃了那些吞食过这种微生藻类的浮游生物后会导致中毒。Fish such as sardines and anchovy can get poisoned when they eat plankton that have eaten the algae.

沙丁鱼和凤尾鱼等鱼类可能是在进食浮游生物的时候,也吃到了这些藻类,导致中毒。Fish such as sardines and anchovy can get poisoned when they eat plankton that have eaten the algae.

什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鳀鱼、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。Lettuce, tuna, black olive, potato, French beans, anchovy and boiled egg, with chef vinaigrette seasoning.