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可能是为了我们准备的好毛皮。Might be a nice pelt in it for us.

佩尔特转过身去摸找他的烟斗。Pelt turned away, fumbling for his pipe.

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赤狐因皮毛呈赤褐色而得名。The red fox was named for it's russet pelt.

孩子们互相投掷雪球。The children pelt each other with snowballs.

它让毛皮清洁和去除寄生虫。It keeps the pelt clean and removes parasites.

佩尔特向墙边的红木酒柜走去。Pelt walked over to a rosewood cabinet against the wall.

那男孩用石子掷击小流氓的背脊。The boy gave the bully a pelt on the back with a pebble.

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“大使先生,”佩尔特打断了他的话,“打个简单的比方。"Mr. Ambassador, "Pelt interrupted, "consider a simple analogy.

他的利爪破了她的皮毛,然后将她拖倒在地。His claws tore her pelt as he dragged her to the her to the ground.

佩尔特博士充任总统的酒吧侍者已是老手了。Dr. Pelt had had ample of experience playing presidential bartender.

每年八月后期数千人用番茄投掷其他的人超过250磅。In late August, thousands of people pelt each other with over 250 lbs.

今天,佩尔特站在他上司一边,不愿意和他凑得太近。Today, Pelt was standing at his boss's side, unwilling to come too close to him.

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那位长官宣布每张杀死的狼皮付15美元的赏金。The sheriff announced a bounty of 15 dollars for the pelt of every coyote killed.

看看阳光,发亮的光带盖在了深色的铁杉和松树上。Look at the sunlight a glowing ribbon draped along the dark pelt of hemlock and pine.

北极熊熊皮的背后隐约可见中国末代皇帝溥仪的皇服。The face of a polar bear pelt looms before the uniforms of China's last emperor, Puyi.

常怀疑这是一次救援行动,“佩尔特说。" To tell you the truth, we rather suspected this was a rescue operation, " Pelt said.

她的黑色的皮毛与风皮一模一样,她的琥珀色的眼睛也里闪烁着与风皮相同的毒光。Her black pelt matched Breezepelt's, and her amber eyes glittered with with the same venom.

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黑湖羔羊毛皮一种早产的黑湖羊羔的黑毛皮,表面平坦,有鬈曲的斑点。The black pelt of a prematurely born karakul sheep having a flat surface with wavy markings.

黑湖羔羊毛皮一种早产的黑湖羊羔的黑毛皮,表面平坦,有鬈。The black pelt of a prematurely born karakul sheep, having a flat surface with wavy markings.

6月1日,在哥伦比亚举行的西红柿狂欢节上,人们相互投掷西红柿,尽情狂欢庆丰收。People pelt each other with tomatoes during the "IV Tomatina Colombiana" festival in Colombia on June 1.