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她会快乐地小小声咯咯笑。She has a happy little giggle.

我勉强在喘息之间挤出一声笑。I manage a giggle in between wheezes.

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我听到一声叹息,然后是轻软的咯咯的笑声。I heard a sigh, and then, a soft giggle.

而且,这个“笑声”还能告诉你谁是头子。But the giggle also tells you who's boss.

除此之外,它不再是过去傻乎乎大笑的它。Besides, it aint the giggle it used to be.

除了猪崽子以外,所有的孩子们都吃吃地笑开了。All the boys except Piggy started to giggle.

潘西·帕金森发出高声尖笑。Pansy Parkinson let out a high-pitched giggle.

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书中大部分笑话令人笑过之后掩卷叹息。Most make you giggle and groan in equal measure.

看,他们的菜单多么轻薄易破啊。“Look how flimsy their menus are,” Bessie giggle.

我可能会买一件送给朋友当生日礼物,逗他开心。I might buy one for a friend's birthday as a giggle.

我帮她洗澡的时候,我们都傻笑了。When I help her in the shower, we have such a giggle.

继续下去并且可以咯咯地笑——甚至密宗的性爱也可以有点淘气。Go ahead and giggle — even Tantric sex can be playful.

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小家伙似乎听懂月月的话,咯咯的笑着。The little guy seems to understand on words, with a giggle.

这个女孩朝我傻笑了一声,好像是还有回声,接著她就跑掉了。The girl let out a giggle that seemed to echo, and she ran away.

每次喝完酒,你就傻呵呵的像只下了蛋的母鸡。You giggle like a hen who has just laid an egg each time you are drunk.

偶尔还是会看着你的照片发呆,发傻,一个人傻笑着。Still occasionally a daze looking at your photos, lists, one with a giggle.

她一席黑发,黑亮的眼睛,勾人摄魄的笑容,银铃般的笑声。She has a mane of black hair, sloe eyes, a fetching smile and a cute giggle.

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这个解释终于使婴宁又高兴了起来﹐接著她又开始傻笑了。The explanation finally made Yinling cheerful and she started to giggle again.

思嘉看见她这副狼狈相忍不住要笑出声来,因为瑞德抓住她的要害了。Scarlett wanted to giggle at her discomfiture , for Rhett had caught her fairly.

这种傻笑般的叫声是一连串断断续续响亮且尖锐的“呵呵呵”声。The giggle is a loud, high-pitched rapid series of staccato“hee-hee-hee” sounds.