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我喜欢这支红色的记号笔。I ike the red marker.

艾克飓风直扑德州!The IKE hurricane attacks Texas.

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我告诉他你我之间可以有话直说。I told Ike you and I could level with each other.

蒙主的奇异恩典,乐声何等甜美,拯救了像我这般无助的人。Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch ike me.

目前艾克正向巴哈马群岛南部进发。Hurricane Ike is barreling toward islands near the southern Bahamas.

在IKE协议中采用的D-H交换极易受到中间人攻击的威胁。D-H exchange in IKE is prone to be threatened by man in the middle attack.

他无可挑剔的丝绸领带搭配您的签名艾克比哈尔的礼服衬衫。Pair your signature Ike Behar dress shirt with one of his impeccable silk ties.

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艾森豪威尔出生在19世纪,成长在白宫权利大盛的年代。And finally, Ike was a 19th-century man, raised in an era of blatant white supremacy.

飓风艾克余威依然不减,它给伊利诺伊州带来更多降水。Remnants of Hurricane Ike are bringing Illinois precisely what it didn't need, more rain.

科莱特刚一下飞机,就被穆拉斯的助手埃克率领的骆驼队带进了沙漠。Klaette just got off the plane, camels, led by Ike the assistant of Muras into the desert.

空中影像显示飓风艾克对得克萨斯州的玻利瓦尔半岛造成的破坏。Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas.

不过,如果企业店铺和办公区持续关闭的话,飓风艾克所造成的经济影响将大幅度上升。But if businesses and offices remain closed, the economic impact of Ike will rise dramatically.

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气象录像显示了飓风艾克对田纳西州玻利瓦尔半岛造成的眼中破坏。HW1. Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas.

2008年,戈纳伊夫再次猛烈的暴风雨袭击,包括飓风费,古斯塔夫,汉娜和艾克。In 2008, Gonaives was again hit by fierce storms, including hurricanes Fay, Gustav, Hanna and Ike.

十八世纪的画家与书法家,池大雅,在某些方面就好似日本的毕加索。The 18th-century painter and calligrapher Ike Taiga was something like the Pablo Picasso of Japan.

飓风古斯塔和埃克造成的影响已经在亚特兰大和南方的部分地区凸现出来。The effects of hurricanes Gustav and Ike have been felt in Atlanta and other places around the south.

艾森豪·威尔并不知道他将给这块陆地带来什么,之前他已宣誓捍卫此地的宪法。Ike had no idea of what he was about to unleash on the land whose Constitution he had sworn to defend.

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没有日本女人会把她的舌头伸这么长来舔冰淇淋。NO Japanese woman would lick an ice cream with her tongue stuck way out land her mouth wide open ike that.

搜救人员正在沿墨西哥沿岸寻找因飓风艾克而受困的民众。Search teams are spreading out along the U.S. Gulf Coast, looking for people stranded after Hurricane Ike.

美国总统布什表示,联邦政府正在尽最大努力帮助“艾克”飓风的灾民。U.S. President George Bush says the federal government is doing all it can to help the victims of Hurricane Ike.