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马克吐温知道怎么推销自己的书。Mark Twain knew how to sell a book.

“好吧,我来告诉你们,”马克。土温说。"Well, I will tell you, "said Mark Twain.

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乡村音乐则涌现了更多女歌手,如莎妮娅?特温。Country music has more women, like Shania Twain.

马克吐温对于不正派的国会议员攻击甚力。Twain is fierce enough with crooked congressmen.

马克吐温在他的青年漂流经西。In his youth Mark Twain drifted through the West.

马克•吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。Mark Twain was famous as a children-story writer.

但是,吐温并没有和家庭影院系统竞争。But Twain wasn’t competing with home-theater systems.

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我想用马克吐温的另一条名言来结束。I'd like to close with another quote from Mark Twain.

马克·吐温是萨缪尔·兰亨·克里曼斯的笔名。Mark Twain is a pseudonymity for Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

然而,关于吐温有最典型的现代特征。Yet there is something quintessentially modern about Twain.

它像是用象牙刀切成两半的石榴。It is like a pomegranate cut in twain with a knife of ivory.

在大多数美国人的心目中,马克吐温是最著名的作家。In most American hearts, Mark Twain is a great famous writer.

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当马克吐温还小的时候,他的父母叫他山姆。When Mark Twain was a little boy, his parents called him Sam.

突然间地把将你束缚在世上的枷锁折成两半。Which snaps in twain the shackles that bind you to the world.

有人要强迫你走一里路,就陪他走两里。And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

吐温在放学后开始打零工来挣些钱贴补家用。Twain began taking odd jobs after school to bring in extra cash.

马克·吐温是文学史上最伟大的人物之一。Mark Twain is one of the greatest figures in our literary history.

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当马克•吐温坐在她身边的时候,她连笑都不笑。She did not even look up when Mark Twain took his seat beside her.

2010年10月20日,故世百年后的马克吐温重回畅销书之列。Mark Twain back on bestsellers list century after death 20 Oct 2010

在19世纪,很少有人能像马克·吐温那样远涉重洋。Few people in the 19th century could match Mark Twain mile for mile.