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“停住,”Rescorla通过扩音器命令。"Stop, " Rescorla ordered through the bullhorn.

然后一位叫尚塔尔.科诺的主管举起了扩音器。Then Chantal Kenol, a director, raised a bullhorn.

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不要动,“瑞斯寇拉透过扩音器指挥。"Stop, " Rescorla ordered through the bullhorn. "Be still.

现在,在拥挤的楼梯井,Rescorla在扩音器里唱起歌。Now, in the crowded stairwell, Rescorla sang into the bullhorn.

轮到另一名游行者使用扩音器时,他转换了目标。Another marcher switched targets when it was his turn at the bullhorn.

它们比用电动扩音器喊命令再容易引起注意。They're more easily noticed than a command shouted through a bullhorn.

“我们不希望冲突,也不想示威,”一个男人用扩音器大喊着。"We don't want strife or demonstrations," one man called through a bullhorn.

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如果你成为一名校长之后,我会给你真正的棒球棒,真正的扩音器。If you become a principal, I'll give you real things, a baseball bat , a bullhorn.

作为替代,展览表现具有相对安抚作用的物品,如邓的牛仔帽和胡先生的卷筒喇叭。Instead, the exhibition features relatively anodyne objects like Deng’s cowboy hat and Mr. Hu’s bullhorn.

来到第一个场合,奥巴马拿起一个扩音器并举到嘴边,但是人群的声音淹没了他的声音。Outside his first event, Obama grabbed a bullhorn and raised it to his mouth, but the crowd drowned him out.

在其中的一个视频里,一名警员使用扩音器警告抗议人群,游行者们则高喊口号“拿下布鲁克林桥”。In one of the videos, an official uses a bullhorn to warn the crowd. Marchers can be seen chanting, "Take the bridge.

警察们从房门口冲进来,挥舞着警棍,其中一人手持扩音器,口述逮捕令的内容。The coppers came through the door with truncheons swinging, one of them reciting the terms of the warrant through a bullhorn.

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警车在街上行驶,警灯闪烁,用扩音器告诉大家还有大的余震。A police car drove down Hitotsugi Street, lights flashing, announcing through a bullhorn that there was still a danger of shaking.

然而Aswany先生首先阐明他的最初也是唯一目标在于为解放广场的抗议者的请求提供话语权。But Mr. Aswany made clear from the first that his only real goal was to serve as a bullhorn for the demands of the protesters in Tahrir Square.

他说话的努力,调动大多手无寸铁的男子和男孩谁留言热闹兴奋地对他回集团通过一个老扩音器。He speaks through an old bullhorn in an effort to mobilize the boisterous group of mostly unarmed men and boys who shout excitedly back at him.

他的游击性的装备,包括慢跑服,华丽的风格烫发,扩音器和尖声放大的口头禅“没有正义,没有和平。”The accoutrements of his guerrilla resistance included the jogging suit, the lavishly styled perm, the bullhorn and the shrilly amplified mantra "No justice, no peace."

那时,他藉著唱歌让他的士兵冷静下来,现在,在拥挤的楼梯间,他透过扩音器唱著。Back then, he had calmed his men by singing Cornish songs from his youth. Now, in the crowded stairwell, Rescorla sang into the bullhorn. "Men of Cornwall stand ye steady."

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一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held up a cardboard sign offering a telephone land line as another officer held up the handset.A third officer used a bullhorn.

一位警察站在15码远的地方,手中举着牌子提示可以为他们提供电话,另一名警察手持听筒,还有一名警察拿着扩音器。A police officer, standing about 15 yards away, held up a cardboard sign offering a telephone land line as another officer held up the handset. A third officer used a bullhorn.

去年冬天,当大雪阻断铁路交通,导致数以百万计的中国人在假期期间受困,他在车站拿起扩音器,为政府的不称职而道歉,并敦促解决方案。Last winter, when snow halted train travel and left millions of Chinese stranded during holidays, he wielded a bullhorn at the stations, apologizing for government ineptitude and pushing solutions.