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控制论究竟发生了什么事?What ever happened to cybernetics?

控制论是批处理计算模式的受害者。Cybernetics was a victim of batch -mode computing.

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信息传递是控制论的最主要的妙策。For all its great ideas, cybernetics was mostly talk.

“把观察者放进盒子里”这句话扼杀了控制论。Cybernetics was strangled by "putting the observer inside the box."

IEEE系统,人和控制论汇刊.B辑,控制论。IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics.

人工智能的失败在于,开发出了效用,却牺牲了控制论。It was the failure of AI to produce usefulness that did cybernetics in.

二是日常信贷业务流程控制是实现信贷管理目标的有效手段。The essay brings up for the first time, the credit management process cybernetics.

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我认为没有一本正式的控制论教科书是用英文写成的。I don't believe a single formal textbook on cybernetics was ever written in English.

以上三种原因一致行动,以致于到了二十世纪七十年代末,控制论的就此枯萎消亡。All three reasons conspired so that by the late 1970s cybernetics had died of dry rot.

论述了大系统控制论在棒线材厂的应用。The application of large system cybernetics to bar or wire rolling plants is narrated.

就个人经验而言,这比积极的想法或是精神病控制理论还要重要。Speaking from personal experience, it takes more than positive thinking or psycho cybernetics.

控制论把沟通和全部自有复杂体系的控制视为相似之物。Cybernetics views communication and control in all self-contained complex systems as analogous.

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他在数学上创立的“二进位制”奠定了现代控制论和计算机原理的基础。His binary notation in mathematics laid the foundation for modern cybernetics and computer theory.

这一建构源于罗伯特·魏纳的研究,魏纳被称作控制论之父。This construct was derived from the studies of Norbert Wiener, the so-called father of cybernetics.

实时掌控一台完备的通用型计算机是传统控制论需要但从未做到的事情。Real-time command of a complete universal computer was what traditional cybernetics needed but never got.

因此,积极主动地探索机器人机构学与控制理论的融合具有重要的意义。Therefore, it is significant to do research on the combination of robotic mechanics and robotic cybernetics.

生化技师精通生物强化技术和普通攻击,能修复战场上经历的一切损伤。A master of cybernetics as well as mundane combat, the Bioengineer repairs damage sustained on the battlefield.

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1954年钱学森创立了“工程控制论”这门新的技术科学。Tsien Hsue-sen founded engineering cybernetics by published the famous engineering cybernetics in America in 1954.

它是处于空气动力学、飞行力学、弹性力学和现代控制论之间的应用性研究课题。So, IAAP is an interdisciplinary-science, which bridges the flight mechanics, aerodynamics, elasticity and cybernetics.

因此,数字化人工计算机对人类生存环境的影响等于是无所不在、无远弗届。Therefore, the influence of digitization and cybernetics on our living environment is not only ubiquitous, but also inescapable.