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摇起来!Shake It Up!

这时,有人使劲儿把我摇醒。A rough shake woke me.

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它会摇尾巴。It can shake its tail.

先把药瓶摇晃几下。First shake the bottle.

双手在面前相握。Shake hands with before.

运用前摇匀。Shake well before using.

你想要挥散郁闷吗?Want to shake the blues?

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什么才能使他振作起来呢?What could shake him up?

我说,然后摇了摇头。I say, and shake my head.

到处摇摇你的手。And you shake it all about.

快点儿,咱们快晚了。Shake it up, we'll be late.

每次使用前摇匀。Shake well before each use.

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使用之前要摇匀。Shake well before using it.

你为什么摇那树?。Why did you shake the tree?

愤怒之下,他抓住孩子狠命地摇。Don't shake your fist at me.

不应,摇其首。Should not, shake its first.

砂壳是砂仁的外壳。Shake is the shell of sha ren.

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抖抖你的胳膊和腿。Shake your arms and your legs.

时刻警惕着隆隆声和摇晃。Alert for the rumble and shake.

冰冷的世界从桨上摇落。Cold worlds shake from the oar.