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你知不知道他的转让人将是谁?Do you know who is to be his endorser?

从品牌转让人到夏洛特山猫队的老板。From product endorser to Charlotte team executive.

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名人代言人能影响我对该个人护理产品的看法。Celebrity endorser affects my perspective towards the personal care product.

此外,本人实也为器官捐赠、及骨髓捐赠登记者。Also, I am an endorser to be enrolled on organ donation & marrow match donation.

我认为以名人作代言人,更能令我认识该个人护理产品的特点。I think I know more about the personal care product through the celebrity endorser.

如果明星代言人拥有有吸引力的身型,我会购买该产品。If the celebrity endorser has an attractive body shape, I will purchase the product.

它标榜能够防止痛经并邀请了河莉秀作为广告代言人。It boasts of avoiding dysmenorrhea and it invites Harisu to be advertising endorser.

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在选购个人护理产品时,我会先考虑有名人代言人的产品。When choosing personal care product, I would prefer the one which has celebrity endorser.

我相信以名人作代言人能提高该个人护理产品的吸引力。I believe that celebrity endorser can raise the attractiveness of the personal care product.

名人代言人的说话能影响该个人护理产品在我心目中的地位。Speech of the celebrity endorser can affect the ranking of personal care product in my mind.

我相信名人代言人的说话能影响该个人护理产品的形象。I believe that the speech of celebrity endorser can affect the image of personal care product.

我认为名人代言人的行为影响该个人护理产品的形象。I think that the behavior of celebrity endorser can affect the image of personal care product.

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名人代言人的行为会影响我对该个人护理产品的看法。I will change my perspective towards the personal care product due to the behavior of celebrity endorser.

如不按退票办理,持票人即丧失向出票人和背书人之追索权。If not handled according to a refund , ticket holders that the loss of the drawer and the endorser of recourse.

在此种情形下,支票负责各方,仅得以可对抗背书者的理由对抗执票人。In this case the parties liable can only set up against the holder defences which could be set up against the endorser.

我较留意有名人代言人的个人护理产品多过没有名人代言人的个人护理产品。I would pay more attention to the personal care product which has celebrity endorser rather than the one has no celebrity endorser.

从水资源的用途看,无论是转让人还是受让人,都不能随意变更取水许可证的记载。From the view of the purpose of water resources, neither the endorser nor the transferee can modify the recordation on the water licenses at random.

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担保人可以被单独提起诉讼,该诉讼对卖方提起或卖方参加该诉讼。担保人同意,担保人在本担保书项下的义务不因买方卖方、任何担保人或背书人的义务免除而免除。Guarantor agrees that any releases which may be given by Buyer to Seller or any other guarantor or endorser shall not release it from this Guaranty.

不论是现金支票还是转账支票,背书人的银行预留印鉴都要与支票上你所签发的单位收款人共同,不然银行不予受理此票。Whether cash cheque or bank transfer check, endorser should check and seal your units issued by the payee or jointly, the bank will not handle this ticket.

为避免这种命运,营销者需要的不只是一两个品牌,而是若有必要的话,需要一个由主打品牌、支持品牌、差异品牌以及联盟品牌等的组合。To avoid this fate, marketers need not just one or two brands but, if necessary, a portfolio of master brands, endorser brands, branded differentiators, alliance brands and so on.