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将所有材料平衡至进行层析的温度。Equilibrate all material to the temperature at which the chromatography will be performed.

你可以决定不去遵守某些法则,但是你必须下功夫去平衡你的效果。You can decide not to follow some of them so you know you must work to equilibrate the result.

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首先,地层不可能在很短的时间内提供足的液体,以便和测试器取得平衡。First, the formation may not supply enough fluid in a short enough time to equilibrate with the tester.

说明2号口服液对雌雄小鼠的耐缺氧能力有更好的调理、平衡及提高作用。It suggested that Runshen No. 2 might even more modulate, equilibrate and improve mice resistance to anoxia.

该算法考虑了各个处理器的负载均衡,同时又能满足所有任务的时限。The algorithm can equilibrate the load of every processor and guarantee that all tasks meet their deadlines.

换言之,他们会使各国间价格相对一致,就跟他们在国内的做法一样。In other words, they will make relative prices equilibrate across countries, just as individuals do within a country.

内在基本面因素要驱动美国住房市场供求实现平衡,还需要若干个月的时间。The underlying fundamentals driving housing supply and demand will likely take several months to equilibrate themselves.

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钠离子浓度和血管内渗透压以及组织间隙渗透压通过血管膜保持平衡。Sodium concentration and osmolality in the intravascular and interstitial spaces equilibrate across the vascular membrane.

因此,如何平衡公民名誉权与舆论监督权就成为至关重要的问题。So how to equilibrate citizens' reputation right and public opinion authority to supervise has become the essential problem.

它以节点孤立原则为基础,采用预均衡技术对经EDFA放大后的所有光信道功率均衡。Based on node isolation principle, it adopts pre emphasize technique to equilibrate the EDFA output power of all signal channels.

同时在任务分配时考虑了各个处理器的负载均衡仿真结果表明了算法的有效性。At the same time, the algorithm can equilibrate the load of every processor. The results of simulation show that the algorithm is effective.

为了观察织的颜料举起,泥土被放在织的颜料水解决之内并且允许平衡一天。To observe the uptake of the textile dyes, the clays were placed in aqueous solutions of the textile dyes and allowed to equilibrate for one day.

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流动然后停止,而且如果地层有足够的渗透率,地层将会流动,以平衡测试器和地层体积。Flow is then stopped, and if the formation has sufficient permeability, the formation will flow to equilibrate the tester with the bulk of the formation.

按照各论中指出的温度和载气流速平衡色谱柱,进样器和检测器,直至获得稳定的基线。Equilibrate the column, the injector and the detector at the temperatures and the gas flow rates specified in the monograph until a stable baseline is achieved.

充满了成熟的水果味。还具有烤面包的香味,单宁充足平衡。适合搭配烤鸭、羊肉和牛排。To the nose, the bouquet extend the flavour of matured fruits. Dominant of the fruity in mouth revealing a nice toaster flavoured with tannins well equilibrate.

本文提出一种仅对测量信息进行智能化处理,就能极大地减少动态误差的自动补偿办法。An automatic equilibrate method of intelligent processing about measured information is mainly put forward in this paper so that the dynamic errors can be diminished.

从均衡实际汇率理论分析汇率制度,认为人民币汇率应更加弹性,以适应转轨过程中的经济冲击。Based on the theory of equilibrate real exchange rate, this paper holds that the exchange rate of RMB should be more flexible to suit to shocks in the process of transition.

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在室温或专论中指定的温度,用指定的流动相和流速平衡色谱柱,直至获得稳定的基线。Equilibrate the column with the prescribed mobile phase and flow rate, at room temperature or at the temperature specified in the monograph, until a stable baseline is achieved.

最后,基于已分析的博弈表现,探讨博弈的原因以及提出实现博弈均衡的对策、建议。Finally, the causes will be found and suggestion of how to equilibrate the fiscal relationship between central and local governments will be made based on the previous analysis.

实验表明,使用引擎绘制的个性化人脸,满足游戏中人物造型所必须平衡的精确性和效率两方面的要求。The experiment indicated that using this engine can render a realistic individual face, which meet the demand of accuracy and efficiency that personage's model must equilibrate in the game.