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每个扬声器有一个面朝后的低音炮。Each loudspeaker has a rear facing subwoofer.

她通过扬声器说话的声音失真了。Her voice over the loudspeaker was distorted.

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扬声器在公园里播放音乐。The loudspeaker blared the music over the park.

透过船长在魔音下的呐喊。Your captain's voice shouts over the loudspeaker.

歌声从车顶的一个喇叭里飘出。The chant emanated from a loudspeaker on top of the car.

增强电脉冲的放大器和将放大信号还原成声的扬声器。The voltage of the amplified signal at the loudspeaker is 2V.

新版本的EMILY还将拥有一个麦克风和一个扩音器。The new version will also have a microphone and a loudspeaker.

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TA15是一个真正的唯一无二的2路,时间校准扬声器体系。The TA15 is truly a unique 2-way, Time-Aligned loudspeaker system.

广州哪里有唯歌音箱专卖店?Where has Guangzhou to sing loudspeaker box exclusive agency only?

当然,我们要用灵敏度尽可能高的扬声器。Of course we use a loudspeaker with a sensitivity as high as possible.

我没有听清回答因为“默德斯托”站人声嘈杂。I cannot hear the answer because "Modesto" blares through the loudspeaker.

很难听清广场上的扩音喇叭里在说些什么。It was difficult to make out what was said over the loudspeaker in the square.

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她对着扩音器说完就离开了办公室。She said over the loudspeaker. They high-fived each other and left the office.

叙述扩声系统用的扬声器组阵。In this paper, the loudspeaker array in the public address system is described.

靓声的耳机就如同高级的喇叭,同样需要高素质的放大器来伺候。Sound headphone also requires a quality amplifier just like a top-grade loudspeaker.

介绍了一种新型的声音传播系统——参量扬声器系统。A new-type of sound propagation system, parametric loudspeaker system, is introduced.

键盘两侧各有一个铁栅栏,栅栏下面就是扩音器。The two big grilles each side of the keyboard suggest a generous loudspeaker provision.

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他们听到对面一个美军喇叭用日语敦促他们投降。They could hear a U.S. loudspeaker across the way urging them in Japanese to surrender.

我们以一个接有喇叭的mp3播放器为例来大体了解一下DFT是什么。To get a sense of what the DFT does, consider an MP3 player plugged into a loudspeaker.

采用计算机设计扬声器分频网络是一种新的设计手段。To design a loudspeaker cross-over network by using an electronic computer is a new moron.