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灌输知识以及人的情感。Instil into knowledge as well as the feelings of person.

灌输安宁与过度温泉水区域的启发治疗。Instil tranquility with regionally inspired treatments in an over-water spa.

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他们还必须被灌输一种文化,鼓励持续学习和改进。They must also instil a culture that encourages continuous learning and improvement.

你是怎样让一群天才球员凝结成一支冠军团队的?How do you manage to instil teamwork in a squad packed with great individual talents?

在这里的一些学校,他们通过军训演习的方式来让学生学会遵守纪律。In some of these schools, army-style drills are used to instil a sense of discipline.

受伤者垂死者的尖叫,令最勇敢的人都胆战心惊。The screams of the wounded and dying were something to instil fear into the stoutest heart.

该小组当然有质量,它只需要范加尔灌输战术和信仰。The team certainly has the quality, it only needs Van Gaal to instil the tactics and belief.

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至为关键的问题在于它们都缺少灵魂,而灵魂乃是只有上帝才能赋予我们的真正的人性水印。Most significantly, it lacked a soul, the watermark of true humanity that only God could instil.

现在大家很清楚小孩需要相处时间,所以孩子有时间吸收父母的价值观并且有榜样,”杜克说道。Now it's clear that what children need is quantity time, so that parents can instil their values into their kids and lead by example, " says Duke.

为了清楚地灌输这个预期结果,一个显然刚刚完成这项任务的学生正在给另一组被试作非正式的简要介绍。To instil the expectation subtly, the participants in the other groups are informally briefed by a student who has apparently just completed the task.

我只是希望能随着他们的成长把我父母灌输给我和我弟弟安顿的工作热情灌输给他们。I just hope that as they grow up I can instil in them the work ethic that my parents instilled in me and my younger brother, Anton. Our mum was a childminder.

他预言重建的圣堂每天会吸引著教区的人和基督徒朝圣来祈祷、愿意活出婚姻、圣善家庭的恩宠。He augured that the sanctuary will daily attract the parishioners and the pilgrim Christians to prayer and to instil the will to live the grace of marriage and of family in holiness.

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全美大学教授联合会为其灌输教育辩护到,他们充分认识到,这些新的学科使命,是在课堂上向学生们灌输一种意识形态这一事实。The AAUP has issued its defence of indoctrination fully cognisant of the fact that these new academic disciplines view their mission as using the classroom to instil an ideology in their students.

金管局的政策力求高度透明,使金融界及广大市民能充分了解货币发行局的运作情况,并加强公众对联系汇率的信心。The HKMA pursues a policy of transparency to ensure that the financial industry and the wider public are fully informed of the currency board operations and to instil public confidence on the link.

但是这种努力不太可能会打造出一代中国学生,让他们有足够的能力竞争那些需要国际交流技能的工作,至少到目前为止情况还不容乐观。But this effort is unlikely to create a new generation of Chinese students who will be able to compete for jobs that demand international communication skills. Results so far instil little optimism.