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夜幕降临,黑暗翩然而至。The night had fallen.

它后来陷落衰败。It had fallen into decay.

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政府已被推翻。The govenment has fallen.

最后他们却离弃真道。Then they had fallen away.

有势力的人是如何没落的。How the mighty have fallen.

我的房租逾期未交。I've fallen behind my rent.

那个风俗已经废弃了。That custom has fallen off.

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落花随风飘飘摇摇。Fallen petal shaking in wind.

这些年来更少了。Had fallen through the years.

我听闻你已堕入爱河了。I hear you've fallen in love.

第二天风息了。Next day the wind had fallen.

你掉了几粒米。You have fallen several rice.

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因为她是坠入凡间的天使。Because she is a Fallen Angel.

花落知多少?。How many blossoms have fallen?

伦敦铁桥已垮下。London Bridge has fallen down.

落叶小乔木。The fallen leaves small trees.

你掉进了这个陷阱吗?Have you fallen into this trap?

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他没有实践他的诺言。He has fallen from his promise.

你已经从旋转木马上掉下来了。We've fallen off the carrousel.

她的小圆帽落在膝头上。Her cap had fallen on her knees.