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铁艺围栏。Iron fence.

一条狗跳过了篱笆。A dog jumped the fence.

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竹篱烟锁。Bamboo Fence smoke lock.

他喜欢看击剑表演。He likes watching fence.

他倾身于篱笆上。He leaned over the fence.

围墙围住那块土地。A fence encloses the land.

石南篱笆的纠缠。A tangled fence of briars.

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婴儿车碰到了围墙。The pram bumped the fence.

他们正在修栅栏。They are building a fence.

我正在学怎样击剑。I am learning how to fence.

我正在学习如何舞剑。I am learning how to fence.

跑步者越过篱笆。The runner hurdled the fence.

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两匹马来到围篱边。Two horses came to the fence.

他纵马跃过篱笆。He put his horse over a fence.

命运象被风吹打的篱笆。Fate as the wind hit the fence.

我内人油漆后院的篱笆。My wife painted the back fence.

他纵身一跃跳过了篱笆。He swung himself over the fence.

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球越过了围栏。The ball bounced over the fence.

篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。The fence extends to the meadow.

那个年轻人纵马越过栅栏。The horse jumped over the fence.