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她穿上长统袜。She rolled her stocking on.

袜子的线在散开来。The stocking is raveling out.

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她的袜子抽丝了。She has a run in her stocking.

她的长袜有一道抽丝痕。Her stocking had a ladder in it.

我只须你塞在我的袜子里。I wnt you stuffed in my stocking.

我只要你塞在我旳袜子里。I want you stuffed in my stocking.

九岁的长袜子皮皮来到了我们身边。Nine long stocking pipi came to our side.

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那贼用一只长统袜蒙住脸。The thief masked his face with a stocking.

她母亲送给她一个绒线帽做礼物。Her mother gives her a stocking cap as a gift.

文蛤放养前要做好哪些准备工作?What to do before stocking clams preparations?

独家为钢筋袜子不值性能。Reinforced stocking sole for long-wearing performance.

如果做的好,还可以提升放养率。If you do a good job you can raise your stocking rates.

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一些人甚至为他们的宠物也准备长统袜。Some people even put up stocking for their pets as well.

那个新学校有一个气质非凡的女董事。The new school has a real silk stocking for a directress.

圣诞节前夜,我跟姐姐们一起把长袜挂了起来。On Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters.

她递给他一只很时髦的,白色的,带有宽网眼的长袜。She handed him a long, white, fashionable, wide-net stocking.

圣诞节前夕,我把我的长统袜跟姐妹们的挂在一起。On Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters'.

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听到这一消息,他穿上袜子、蹬上鞋,就出去了。Hearing the news, he put on his stocking and shoes, and went out.

种苗在水产业中,幼鱼畜养在成长区与池塘。In aquaculture, young fish for stocking grow-out areas and ponds.

观众们需要做的就是把一条尼龙袜蒙在电视机上,然后就可以看到彩色画面了。All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over their tv screen.