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六条黏糊糊的吸盘棒。Six sticky sucker sticks.

那些小王八蛋会咬人?。So those little sucker bite?

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我对浪漫毫无招架之力。I'm such a sucker for romance.

它名为琼裂鳍亚口鱼。It's called the June sucker fish.

我运行下这个糟糕的东西会有什么结果?What happens if I run this sucker?

他们诈取那个笨蛋钱。They swindled that sucker out of his money.

你的双鱼是一个浪漫主义者。Your Pisces friend is a sucker for romance.

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一枝侧枝长出许多小又酸的枣子。A sucker from the jujube yields tiny sour fruits.

这是起重机配件非接触式真空吸盘。This is a non-contact vacuum crane accessory sucker.

「每分钟都有笨蛋出生」。There's a sucker born every minute. " – P. T. Barnum".

这个死穷鬼连回家的计程车费都不给我。The chintzy sucker wouldn't even give me taxi fare home.

六个粘性吸管被粘住了。但是船还是很整洁干净的,先生。Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ship's shipshape , sir.

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你这样做的目的只是为了增加一个向你缴税的可怜虫。You only did it so you’d have one more poor sucker to tax.

柔软的果冻抽油杆具有多速振动子弹。A soft jelly sucker comes with a multi-speed vibrating bullet.

我特别迷恋一堆堆造型逼真的葫芦或是类似葫芦样的东西。I am a sucker for a pile of realistic looking gourds and ‘kins.

谷物吸扬机到来之前我们就已申请熏舱了。We had applied for fumigating holds before the grain sucker came.

我是一个非常喜爱化妆的人,但是有关化妆的抽样调查令我发疯。I am a total sucker for makeup, but makeup sampling freaks me out.

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我是个超级喜欢浪漫的人——我很迷简·奥斯丁的作品”。I am a sucker for romantic gestures—I am Jane Austen’s biggest fan.

如果长期受到这些故障的影响,轻则不能出油,重则会发生杆式抽油机的报废。So the sucker rod pumping oil system must be supervised on real time.

生殖吸盘上分布有发达的神经网。There is a developed nerve network distributed in its genital sucker.