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历史真实的地平线消失了之后,生活变成了些胡言乱语。When the horizon of historicity was lost, life became nonsense.

马克思主义发展观的历史性与时代化统一于其实践性本质。Its historicity and times are integrated in its practical essence.

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耶稣出生的准确日子和历史性的耶稣有着很多的争议。The precise date of the birth and historicity of Jesus are much debated.

什麽佐证的证据历史性的第14章,可你的名字吗?What corroborative evidence of the historicity of Chapter 14 can you name?

当故事被摧毁了,历史的真实感也就一同消失。When the story is destroyed, the feeling of historicity disappears as well.

这些电影都同样引人注目地流露出与历史和真实的隔阂。They were remarkable for a similar a historicity and the untruths that flowed from it.

弗洛姆的人性论是一种抽象的人性论,具有唯心性和非历史性。Fromm's theory on humanity is abstract in terms of its historicity and mentalism aspects.

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匈奴、白狼等族以汉文撰写其文献,粗显历史意识。For instance, accounts written in Chinese by the minorities of Hun, White-wolf and so on reflected some historicity.

本文通过大量的一手资料来考证善导生平及宗教活动的史实性。This article researches through a massive material ShanDao's the biography and the religious activities historicity.

基于人的社会性的生存实践的“前理解”,是科学的历史性原则的核心。Pre-understanding which based on the existentially practical activities is the core of historicity principle of science.

研究中国古代社会的腐败问题具有很强的历史性和现实意义,对我们新时期的廉政建设可以提供一定的借鉴。Studing the problem of corruption in China ancient times is to have the very strong historicity and feasible significance.

指出理解性、历史性和图案性是形象文字具有装饰美的重要原因。It was pointed out that he pictograph comprehension, historicity and pattern are the reasons that caused the beauty of its adorning.

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画家成功地驾驭了各种元素,不仅激发出梦幻般的视觉效果,同时用强烈的史实性元素控制住了虚无缥缈的朦胧。He effectively controls the elements to evoke a dreamlike vision while reining in the ethereal nebulousness with emphatic historicity.

这篇经文必须立足于它本身的价值,而且我们并不宣称它是史实性的,即使这种史实性真的存在,因为我们无法支持这样的声明。This scripture must stand on its own merits, however, and we claim no historicity to it, even if such exists, for we cannot back up such claims.

已故的开明神学家纳沙尔·阿布·扎伊德认为历史意识是这个问题的症结所在,他因为不堪忍受伊斯兰主义者的攻击,在90年代离开了埃及。The late Nasr Abu Zayd, a liberal theologian who was hounded out of Egypt by Islamists in the 1990s, regarded historicity as the crux of the issue.

但他天真地抱有历史客观主义的想法,忘记了理解精神客观化存在的人本身的历史性,成为一种秘密的实证主义。But the innocent adoption of Historical Objectivism, ignoring the historicity of a spiritually objectified man will lead to a clandestine positivism.

结论部分将归纳总结通过“历史的文本性”和“文本的历史性”分析后所得出的深意。The conclusion will summarizes Kingston's deep meanings which are learned from the analysis carried out under the guide of Textuality of History and Historicity of Texts.

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必须结合“历史性”、“反思性”等概念才能理解“历史”的含义,必须从结构二重性的角度出发才能理解“创造”的含义。The understanding of the connotation of "history" needs to connect it with the concepts of "historicity" and "reflexivity" , as well as "make" with the duality of structure.

在他的一生中都没有被提及。这些并不能反驳他的存在,但它无疑地对一般认为对整个世界产生过伟大影响而被人们广泛知晓的一个人的历史真实性产生了怀疑。This does not disprove his existence, but it certainly casts great doubt on the historicity of a man who was supposedly widely known to have made a great impact on the world.

主体表象是想象力构建的表象,与人的主体能力相关因而具有社会性和历史性。Chapter Two, the subjectivity representation is a representation which the imagination constructs, with human's capability correlation thus has the sociality and the historicity.