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承保这一自大狂成果的费用由纳税人负担。Taxpayers bear the cost of guaranteeing this fruit of megalomania.

尽管金正日偏执且妄自尊大,但他却是一个狡猾的谋略家。But Mr Kim, for all his megalomania and paranoia, is a shrewd tactician.

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他很聪明,他帮了我很多,他帮我不会变成自大狂。He is very bright. He helps me a lot, to not have any fits of megalomania.

弱点是膨大的自尊心,容易陷入狂妄自大中。Their weak spot is a huge self-respect which can turn sometimes into megalomania.

这种妄自尊大,连同其好战的讯息最终导致暴力。This kind of megalomania combined with his militant message will ultimately lead to violence.

那多半是赵伯韬他们的幻想,加上了美国资产阶级的夸大狂。It was probably just a wild idea of Chao PO-tao's, reinforced by American bourgeois megalomania.

然而,极度的狂妄自大似乎正是他长久统治和错乱心智背后的原因。Yet this very megalomania seems to be both the secret to his longevity and to his unhinged nature.

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“妈妈最知道”耶稣的浮夸使女性狂妄自大。她不知道,妈妈只知道茅厕!"Mother knows best" Jesus self aggrandising feminine megalomania. No she does. Mother knows bog all!

狂妄自大正是他长久统治的关键,看起来,这样的品质似乎有些好处。It seems that there is something advantageous in the megalomania that is his defining lifelong trait.

他信自私自利,妄自尊大,在被推翻之前,他买赢了两次裑?后又从泰国国家和泰国人民那儿窃取了数十亿泰铢。Thaksinwas a self-serving megalomania whoboughthistwo previous electionsandlater stole an billions of THB from Thailand andtheThai people before being ousted.

任何相信通灵术存在的人也能想见人们对他这般狂热的迷恋所产生的心电感应也如滔滔江水,一发不可收拾,促使他愈加狂妄自大。Whoever believes in the existence of telepathy can also imagine the waves of telepathic adoration that flowed in his direction, helping him to nourish his megalomania.

他那恶毒且相当复杂的全盘策划,便不可避免地要借由可怕的绿色氪星碎片来加以推动,而帕克•波西扮演的情妇对于他的癫狂的那种愚蠢的取笑方式则制造了不少笑料。His diabolic and rather complicated masterplan is, inevitably, fuelled by shards of that dreaded green kryptonite, while Parker Posey's moll makes delightfully dimwitted fun of his megalomania.