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天赐神工!而雅典,更其神圣。A divine work! Athens, diviner yet.

为什么不去叫一个占卜者来解释我的梦呢?。Why not get a diviner to expound my dream?

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魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A baton used by a magician or water diviner.

抛去其它的事不管,我毕竟是一个老练的神术师。I am a skilled Diviner. Amongst other things.

“占卜者可能会询问一个问题,碎片会提供问题的答案”。The diviner would ask a question and the crack provided an answer.

月球探测辐射计实验将映射月球表面的温度。The Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment will map surface temperature.

抛去其它的事不管,我毕竟是一个老练的神术师。I am a skilled Diviner . Amongst other things. And I have seen your coming.

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他带着一种即使最聪明的推测者见了也会感到迷惑的得意神情回答。No, " replied he with an air of triumph which would have puzzled the most clever diviner".

通常人们都是以游戏情节的设计水平来判断游戏的好坏。What usually comes as the diviner in these cases are what levels of gameplay the game offers.

在这个几何观测角度下,预言家探测仪的每次探测的空间投影范围大约在300米和700米见方。In this viewing geometry, the spatial footprint of each Diviner detector was roughly 300 by 700 meters.

春秋末期的孔子是文献记载的最早的占候家。Confucius of the late Spring and Autumn Period was the earliest weather diviner recorded in historical documents.

例如,如有个人死得很神秘,占卜人就能说出那人死亡的时间、地点和方式。For example, if a person has died mysteriously, the diviner is supposed to be able to tell when, where, and how the person died.

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美国宇航局的月球勘测轨道飞行器利用“占卜者”仪器探测永久阴影环形山的底部世界。Nasa's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has used its Diviner instrument to probe the insides of permanently shadowed craters on Earth's satellite.

举一个例子,占卜师为了弄清楚究竟是哪位祖先使得在世的国王牙疼,会不厌其烦地在甲骨上一个个地烤出70条裂痕来。In one instance, a diviner patiently made 70 individual oracle-bone cracks in order to determine which ancestor was responsible for a living king's toothache.

Diviner将向LRO的其它感测冰的仪器提供备用资料,可确定在某些地带某些表明冰存的迹象可能因温度太高而不可信。Diviner will provide back-up data for LRO's other ice-sensitive instruments, identifying areas where positive signs of ice would not make sense because the temperature is too high.