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这是一个全体人民的大怪癖。It is a big foible of all the people.

这是一个很大的怪癖全体人民。It is a big foible of all the people.

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人性的弱点之一是懒惰。Lazy is one of the foible in humanity.

我从不想暴露别人的错误,以图减轻自己的缺点。I shall never attempt to palliate my own foible by expose the error of another.

你不能用别人的恶行来掩饰自己的劣迹。I shall never attempt to palliate my own foible by exposing the error of another.

我祖父经常给自己买新衣服,这是他的毛病。My grand-father was always buying himself new suits of clothes, it was a foible of his.

然而今天,人们却从一个不同的角度来看待这个万人怨的人类弱点。Today, however, the much-maligned human foible is being looked at in a different light.

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有时,一个给定页面交给我,要我指出设计的毛病来是一个挑战。Sometimes a given page presented me with the challenge of deciding which design foible to point out.

这个埃及人非常狡猾地利用了伊俄涅的主要弱点,极其巧妙地用毒箭射中了她的自尊心。Most cunningly had the egyptian appealed to ione's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride.

假如你把这个在收入、气候以及品味等方面都存有差异的泱泱大国看作是一个单一的大市场,那你就太愚蠢了。Whenever a local foible or tradition grabbed his interest, such as the country's idiosyncratic waterway laws, he would research it exhaustively.

野蛮或许是全智贤小小的弱点,但她清纯中略略绽放迷茫的美丽,却是足以击中全体男人最大的弱点。Maybe, sassy is a little foible of Jun-Ji-Hyun, but beauty spreaded from her pureness and sassy, is the best army to hit all men's biggest foible.