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我需要一个学生证。I need a student ID.

他给她看了证件。He showed her the ID.

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我为什么要退学呢?So why did Id rop out?

没有身分证千万别出门…Don't go out without ID.

编写一个单精度浮点数。Writes a Unique Id value.

我的学生证丢了。I lost my student ID card.

这是我的服务证。This is my service ID card.

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您有没有证件借我看一下?Do you have any ID with you?

我想办理来电显示。I want to install caller id.

玄武湖的“证件照”。The "ID photo" of Xuanwu Lake.

我们每个人都有一个校卡。We each have a school ID card.

在后面填上你的身份证号。Write your ID number after it.

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艾伦·杜勒斯的中情局身份证CIA ID Card for Allen W. Dulles

甚至没有护照或身份证件。Not even a passport or ID paper.

警官证,要什么警官证?Police ID? Why do you need that?

我可以看一下你的身份证号吗?Can I see your ID number, please?

我想干洗这衣服。Id like to dry-clean the clothes.

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成功是短暂易逝的。Success id transient, evanescent.

约会前注册和获得资格。ID and pre-qualify before meeting.

我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。My throat huts . Id better gargle.