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中国帮助琉球抵抗侵略了嘛?Did China help Ryukyu during the invasion?

自明朝以后,中国对琉球一直拥有宗主权。China had the suzerainty over Ryukyu since Ming Dynasty.

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秋菊在锡矿开端了琉琅女的生活。Tears in the tin beginning ryukyu lakefront of female life.

1879年,日本吞并琉球并改称冲绳县。Japan seized Ryukyu in 1879 and changed its name to Okinawa Prefecture.

中新世晚期,冲绳海槽和疏球岛弧形成。Okinawa ocean trough and Ryukyu island arc were formed in late Miocene.

明清时期,琉球是一个与中国关系极为密切的藩属国。In the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Ryukyu had close vassal relationship with China.

然后再绕经日本琉球群岛,再往东南方绕经太平洋。It will then cross Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curve southeast through the Pacific Ocean.

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琉球汉文学史是一个尚无人研究的课题。The history of Han literature on Ryukyu Islands is a topic that no body has studied yet.

例如,中国从未征服过数百年间一直向其进贡的琉球国。For example it never conquered the Ryukyu Kingdom, which paid tribute to it for centuries.

琉球海流是琉球群岛以东一支东北向的西边界流。The Ryukyu Current is a northeastward and western boundary current east of Ryukyu Islands.

自13世纪60年代佛教传入琉球算起,琉球佛教的历史长达600多年。Ryukyu Buddhism had more than 600 years' history since Buddhism was introduced into Ryukyu in 1360s.

琉球汉文学大致可分为早、中、后三个时期。The Han literature on Ryukyu Islands can be divided into three stages, the early, the middle, and the late.

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“球案”是近代以来中日两国围绕琉球的归属权的争端。The Ryukyu Sovereignty Case is about the disputes over the territorial sovereignty between China and Japan.

在日本附近的琉球海沟,研究者们发现了栉水母的一个可能新种。Researchers have discovered a potential new species of comb, or ctenophore, jellyfish near the Ryukyu Trench near Japan.

以加瓜海脊为界,东、西两侧的琉球海沟属于两种不同板块构造环境下的产物。By the boundary of the Gagua Ridge, Eastern Ryukyu trench is different from western Ryukyu trench in tectonic environment.

在琉球外海,一艘美国捕鲸船放下了他和两名当年的同伴乘坐的小船。He and two of the original crew had been dropped in their opensailing boat by an American whaling ship off the Ryukyu Islands.

西太平洋的一片海域,沿岸为中国、韩国、琉球群岛和九州岛所包围,此区鱼资源丰富。An arm of the western Pacific Ocean bounded by China, South Korea, and the Ryukyu and Kyushu islands. It has rich fishing grounds.

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所以你提供了事实,争议岛屿属于中国,因为琉球王国是明清属国。So you just provided the facts that the disputed islands do belong to China since Ryukyu Kingdom was a subject of the Ming and Qing.

因为琉球王国与中国历史的紧密联系,如果他们没有回归的地方,为什么不回归中国?And since Ryukyu Kingdom had aligned itself historically with China. And if they don't have a place to be returned to, why not China?

综述东海和琉球群岛以东海域若干气旋型和反气旋型涡旋的研究。Overview of studies on some cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies is made in the East China Sea and the region east of the Ryukyu Islands.