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在赌博上挥霍公钱。Fritter away one's money on gambling.

我似乎把时间全都浪费在咖啡早茶会上了。I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.

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可能是裹着面粉的玉米棒,一定是油炸的。Corn fritter on sticks possibly, deep fried definitely.

不要把钱浪费在你并不真正需要的东西上。Don't fritter away your money on things you do not really need.

他们或许很有生意头脑,但也很容易一掷千金。They may be business-minded, but they can also fritter money away!

你去除这些生活工作的摩擦就是为了将省出的时间花在这些让你分心的事情上么?Do you want to remove the friction just to fritter it away with distractions?

这一无意识的”心理扳手腕“行为的结果是我们浪费了生活。The result of this unconscious psychological arm wrestling is that we fritter away our lives.

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尽管切尔西不用受欧战拖累,但他们也许会将这种优势挥霍掉。Although Chelsea have the advantage of freedom from European diversions, they might fritter it away.

这钱花的绝对值,但如今我们在阿富汗每9天就浪费了这么多的钱。That was good value, considering that we now fritter the same amount every nine days in Afghanistan.

那就意味着太多男性吃苹果馅饼,苹果陷点心,以及其他甜食。Which means too many guys are eating the apples without leaving off the pie, strudel, and fritter part.

但是,如果你是一个认真的私人投资者,就把拉斯韦加斯的心态留给那些有钱可供挥霍的人。But if you are a serious private investor, leave the Las Vegas mentality to those with money to fritter.

岁月可以消磨人的时间及其容颜,但是绝对消磨不了友情!Years can idle away people's time and their appearance, but absolute fritter away without end friendly sentiment!

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他们甚至安排更多巴士到老人院,好使闷透的老人可耗尽毕生积蓄。They run even more buses to senior-care living centers so that bored seniors can fritter away their life's savings.

你同样需要良好的身体状态去应对这正在进行中的转变,所以不要浪费时间在那些不重要的活动上。You will need your physical energy as the shift gets underway, so don't fritter it away it on unimportant activities.

佩瑶,你也总得把阿珊的事放在心上,不要由她每天像小孩子似的一味玩笑。Pei-yao, I think you should keep an eye on your sister, and not let her fritter away her time as if she were still a child.

至于滚轮机械人,因为不必浪费宝贵的运算能力来处理平衡问题,便能对移动的球即时反应。The wheeled robots, which don't have to fritter precious computational power on balancing, can react in real time to moving balls.

后来,他在一些从未能实现的项目上挥霍掉了一大笔财产,比如为种族和谐而建立的一个主题公园。Later, he would fritter away a large part of his fortune on never-realised projects such as a theme park dedicated to racial harmony.

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当然,许多人确实在股票上亏钱了,但那只是因为他们把他们的资本过分分散或采取的是没有确实根据的交易策略。Of course, many people do lose money in stocks, but only because they fritter their capital away with excessive or ill-founded trading strategies.

为了解决速冻罗非鱼片加工中产生的鱼碎肉的利用问题,利用鱼碎肉制作鱼松是一条很好的途径。For the sake of utilization of fritter from the quick-freezing process of the Tilapia's flake, making the fritter into hot dried fish floss is a good way.

而利息增加,企业经理在自己喜好的低收益项目上的空间就减少了。It is also because the burden of larger interest payments leaves managers with less scope to fritter away cash on pet projects that may not benefit their shareholders.