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肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击一只水牛。Lions attack a buffalo on the Masai Mara in Kenya

该国境内一处闻名于世的地区就是马赛马拉。One of its world-famous regions is the Masai Mara.

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那就学学马赛妇女们摄取钙质的习惯吧。Imitate the calcium-consuming habits of Masai women.

坎塔是个马萨伊女孩,她会系领带也会解领带。Kanta is a masai girl. She can tie a tie and untie a tie.

肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击河马。Lions attack a buffalo in a swamp at the Masai Mara, Kenya

坦桑尼亚北部的马萨伊草原上,居住着马萨伊民族。Masai grasslands of northern Tanzania, the Masai people live.

但有一位百万富翁回来时却带来马塞族的长老头衔而来。But one millionaire has come back with the title of elder of a Masai tribe.

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在这一天的行程中,中午饭将是在一个叫Narok的中央停止野餐。You will have a picnic lunch stopover in Narok, before proceeding to Masai Mara.

坦桑尼亚的6名马赛族人4月13日将参加伦敦马拉松长跑。Six Masai warriors from Tanzania are taking part in the London Marathon on April 13.

总部美国的游隼基金会声称最近三种秃鹫有可能在肯尼亚的马赛马拉草原灭绝。The US-based Peregrine Fund said at least three species could die out in Kenya's Masai Mara.

您在那里的时候,也要把握机会观看马赛马拉众多的狮群。While you are there, seize the opportunity to see the many prides of lions in the Masai Mara.

如果只是为了寻求刺激和冒险,肯尼亚马赛马拉之行可以让你毫不费劲地完成冒险之旅。For sheer excitement and adventure, this ride through the Masai Mara in Kenya wins hands down.

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而有些马萨伊牧民,即使锒铛入狱也在所不惜,他们就是要对这里的狮子大开杀戒,就因为这种猛兽袭击了他们家的牛畜。Some Masai pastoralists will risk jail time to kill lions because they sometimes prey on cattle.

这片壮观的禁猎区,是马赛人的家园,也是探险游的终极目标。This spectacular game reserve is home to the Masai people and the ultimate in safari experiences.

不过,这些摄于肯尼亚马赛马拉国家保护区的家庭照片显示,她的管理至今很完美。But the family photos, taken in Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, show she is managing beautifully so far.

马赛马拉依部落族人,黝黑的皮肤上鲜红的格子披肩随风飘扬,威风凛凛,令人惊叹。Clan men of Masai Mara tribe have dark skin and red grid cap flapping in the wind, awe-inspiring and astounding.

马赛人是东非最大的游牧部族,他们的文化习俗禁止食用野生动物。Masai in East Africa"s largest nomadic tribes, their cultural practices prohibit the consumption of wild animals."

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当保护区开始归还马赛人被偷的牛时,当地人开始转而保护狮群。Local support for the protection of lions came about when the Conservancy began returning stolen cattle to the Masai.

早饭后,将经过东非大裂谷驾车前往马赛马拉,这段行程将在下午的马赛马拉自驾探险游之前完成。After breakfast, drive to Masai Mara via the Great Rift Valley to arrive at Maasai Mara in time for evening game drive.

雷蒙德-费尔顿的经纪人托尼-达特今天晚上将和丹佛总经理马赛-乌吉利讨论费尔顿是否会得到首发位置。Tony Dutt, agent for Ray Felton, will meet tonight with Den GM Masai Ujiri to discuss whether or not Felton will start.