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我什么时候也变成了一个如此八卦的人呢。When had I become such a voyeur?

你是某种蠕动的窥淫癖者。You're some kind of creepy voyeur.

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法庭文件宣称她可能是一个偷窥狂。The court papers allege she may be a voyeur.

我想他是一个偷窥狂。I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur.

那个偷窥狂站在女生浴室的窗户旁边。The voyeur stayed behind the window of the girls' bathroom.

我现在看的临床支队的一位经验丰富的旁观者。I am now watching with the clinical detachment of a seasoned voyeur.

泰瑞不像是自杀的,他不可以杀他自己。Terry is a suicidal voyeur who doesn't seem to be able to kill himself.

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我希望有一个网站聊天的网络摄像头,像一个偷窥的电视作品,除了它的双向的,也就是说,他们可以聊天。I want a chat web cam site that works like a voyeur TV, except it's two-way, i. e. , they can chat.

“我知道,他就是一个‘窥淫狂’,”穆里尼奥说道。“他喜欢偷窥别人。”"I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur , " said Mourinho. "He likes to watch other people.

我觉得他们的文章总在某些方面对我有所启发,起码,我知道了自己心底也是对别人的种种非常之有兴趣的。I like to think that these essays edify me in some way, but at the very least they appeal to the voyeur in me.

我想要成为你的偷窥狂—你每日秘密的持有者—且希望这是你在我身上造成的唯一的病。I want to be your voyeur — the holder of your daily secrets — and hope that it is the only sickness you breed in me.

他和我的结论完全一致,只是他进行了实际的收集,不像我只是有意识地看了看而已。He's basically come to the same conclusions as me, only he's actually sorted, rather than just a organizational voyeur like me.

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公司里的某人是个间谍,是个偷窥狂,他可能是任何人。Once congenial pairs of eyes now squinted and frowned at one another in passing. Someone in the company was a spy, a voyeur with sadistic tendencies.

在接受失败方面,和他相比,曾被他告发为“窥淫癖者”的温格及他的好朋友弗格森看上去就是一对科林斯式的绅士。He makes Arsène Wenger, whom he once denounced as a "voyeur", and his friend Alex Ferguson seem like a pair of Corinthian gentleman when it comes to accepting a loss.

我想温格是那些***狂之一,他们喜欢观察别人,总是在家用大口径望远镜窥探别家的生活。I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur . He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families.