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一根柱子立在柱脚上。A columnists on its pedestal.

我敬重斯坦福大学。I had Stanford on a pedestal.

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在一个台基或者支撑物上竖直地站。The urn stands on a pedestal.

雕像安放在台座上。The statue repose on a pedestal.

他把每根基座上都按上了灯芯盘。He set a socket in each pedestal.

塑像安放再台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

雕像安放在台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

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他从垫座上取下雕像。He dismounted a statue from its pedestal.

壁炉台上有一尊放在垫座上的济慈胸像。On the mantelplace was a bust of Keats on a pedestal.

否则,它将导致我们跌落神坛。Otherwise, this will bring us down from the pedestal.

这个基岩开始大量的含砾砂岩。This pedestal rock began as a mass of pebbly sandstone.

第一步就是要挖掘的基座及匝道。The first step is to excavate for the pedestal and ramp.

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在中国港台哪些歌手最受欢迎呢!?。At Chinese harbor pedestal which singers the most popular! ?

记住社会总是把专家奉为完人。Remember that society elevates experts high onto a pedestal.

这一块阳光照射的基石离洞底足足三层楼高。The sunlit pedestal drops three more stories to the cave floor.

他决心不同她在那受辱台上并肩而立。He resolved not to be pilloried beside her on her pedestal of shame.

就在台阶顶端的基座上有一尊莎士比亚胸像。At the very top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare on a pedestal.

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旋转轴和它的支撑结构是中央操作台的一部分。The axis of rotation and its support are part of the central pedestal.

嘿!刚注意到自由女神的右脚并非稳固地踏在台座上。Hey! Just noticed Lady Liberty's right foot was not firmly on the pedestal.

它们被运到美国,然后组装在一座基底又或者说是基座上。These were shipped to New York and then put together on a base, or pedestal.