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你好,帕迪。Hello, Paddy.

小稻棍儿奏一曲。With a nicknack paddy whack.

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帕迪是一个天生会讲故事的人。Paddy is a natural raconteur.

稻穗金黄。The ears of paddy are ripe and golden.

我们收割稻子时,开始下雨。As we cut the paddy it started to rain.

水汩汩地流入稻田。The water gurgled into the paddy field.

再扬帆时带走我金色的稻谷。Take away my golden paddy when you sail.

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旱地变水田。Dry land has been turned into paddy fields.

你在稻田里看见的是一种草。What you see in the paddy field is a grass.

去年,大水把我的所有的稻田都冲毁了。Last year the flood ruined all our rice paddy.

他们正在使荒地变为稻田。They are turning waste land into paddy fields.

顿时,晒谷场上成了爱的热爱、欢乐的海洋。The paddy field becomes the sea of love and joy.

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米是由谷通过打米机打出来的。Paddy is changed in to rice through rice machine.

帕迪看到玛丽·安后高兴地冲她挥挥手。Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave.

战士们在稻田里匍匐前进。The soldiers were bellying through the rice paddy.

去年稻田面积扩大到了90万亩。The paddy area was extended to 900000 mu last year.

稻田像一片片翠绿的地毯。The paddy fields looked like carpets of fresh green.

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一头黄牛在一块种植了三个月的肥沃稻田里吃草。A cow grazes on a paddy of rich three-month-old rice.

稻花飘香。The air was heavy with the aroma of the paddy fields.

“有一天晚上,我们录音室的工作结束了,”帕迪回忆说。"One night we ended up in the studio, " Paddy recalls.