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什么叫特大流行疫情?What is a pandemic?

甲流疫苗是否安全?Are pandemic vaccines safe?

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大流行的风险如何?What about the pandemic risk?

H2病毒也可能造成大流行的威胁。H2 viruses may also pose a pandemic threat.

但一名世卫组织官员说,并不一定会形成大规模流行疫情。But a WHO official says a pandemic is not a certainty.

那些流行病预警是杞人忧天吓唬人的吗?Were all those pandemic warnings just scare-mongering?

对个人而言,大流行的结束意味着什么?What does the end of the pandemic mean for individuals?

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第三个危机是隐伏于未来的大流行性流感。A third crisis, pandemic influenza, lurks in the future.

世卫组织为何在长时间后才宣布大流行的结束?Why did WHO take so long to declare the end of the pandemic?

对性的狂热崇拜导致了艾滋病的大流行。From the frantic worship of Sex has come the pandemic of AIDS.

在1957年之后出生的人对这大流行就没有免疫性。People born after the 1957 pandemic do not have this immunity.

受流感大流行影响的年龄组一般较年轻。The age groups affected by the pandemic are generally younger.

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这些差异符合关于确定流感大流行的标准。These differences meet the criteria for an influenza pandemic.

同是疫病威胁,猪流感与禽流感相比如何?How does swine flu compare with avian flu as a pandemic threat?

在疫情波及的国家,风险溢价可能会上涨。Risk premiums for countries affected by the pandemic might rise.

但是,如果流行病真的发生了,这将只是隔靴搔痒。But if a pandemic does occur, this would be small comfort indeed.

让这些国家空着手走向一场大流行,这公平吗?Is it fair for these countries to go into a pandemic empty-handed?

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可有效预防大流行病毒的疫苗尚未问世。Vaccines effective against a pandemic virus are not yet available.

它还重申了人间流感大流行的威胁。It also reiterates the threat of a pandemic of influenza in humans.

在大流行期间这一病毒没有突变为某种更致命的形式。The virus did not mutate during the pandemic to a more lethal form.