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爆竹嘣地一响。The firecracker went bang.

爆竹没响。The firecracker didn't go off.

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这种鞭炮的爆炸力极强。This firecracker is very powerful.

通常一个小的爆竹。Prisca-Usually a petite firecracker.

爆竹在他手中炸响了。The firecracker exploded in his hand.

炮仗砰地一声点响了。The firecracker went Off with a bang.

鞭炮声不能把你吵醒。Firecracker noise could not wake you up.

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这种鞭炮的爆炸力极强。This kind of firecracker boasts great explosive force.

正好,我们今年的新年就在外婆家的“爆竹声”中度过的。Well, we this New Year will waipojia firecracker dates.

在我玩爆竹的时候,伤着了我的手指。I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire.

第一响似乎是大爆竹声。但第二和第三响就绝不会错。枪声!The first sounded as if it might have been a large firecracker.

玩鞭炮给人们带来了很多乐趣,但是我们需要当心。Playing firecracker brings people a lot of fun but we need to take care.

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于是他便在门前贴上红对联并挂上串串爆竹。Therefore, he stuck the red paper and hung up the firecracker on the door.

我们电子鞭炮是您节日喜庆时必不可少的小家电。Our electronic firecracker is your festival necessary household appliances.

四处可听见敲锣打鼓、烟花爆竹之声。Gong striking, drum beating, and firecracker shooting can be heard here and there.

别看这小小的鞭炮不起眼,可它带给我的兴趣是无穷的。Although thellos little firecracker ordinary, but it gives me pleasure is infinite.

每次父亲制作炮仗的时候都要提前看一下那本书。Every time his father make firecracker of time all want to see the book in advance.

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在那里我们可以在彩灯和爆竹表演中欣赏美丽的喷泉。There we can enjoy the beautiful fountains with colorful lights and a firecracker show.

当有爆竹声响起时,我就轻轻地用手堵住她的耳朵。When there is a firecracker voice ringing out, I slightly and at hand block up her ear.

桃红柳绿,燕舞莺歌,爆竹烟花迎盛世。Pink willow green, the hawk song, the firecracker fireworks welcomes the prosperous times.