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我认为你是我的金色飞贼。I think you're my snitch.

打击手的任务是抓到金探子。The beater's job is to catch the snitch.

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捕球手一抢到金色飞贼,比赛就宣布结束。The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game.

他激动和惊讶得差点把金色飞贼扔掉。He nearly dropped the Snitch in surprise and excitement.

他的目光在那巨大的金色飞贼蛋糕上逗留了片刻。His eyes lingered for a moment on the giant Snitch cake.

留给哈利一个旧的金色小贼,干什么用呀?Leaving Harry an old Snitch – what the hell was that about?

以发现并捉住金色飞贼为目标的球员。Player whose objective is to spot and catch the Golden Snitch.

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他结合了对于魔法,科学和运动的热爱,发明了金飞贼。He combined his loves of magic, science, and sportsbycreating the Golden Snitch.

在犯罪世界里,向警察告发的人被称为告发者或告密者。In the criminal world, someone who tattles to the police is known as a rat or a snitch.

“对。”哈利说着把金色飞贼贴到嘴边,心怦怦直跳。"Exactly, " said Harry, and with his heart beating fast, he pressed his mouth to the Snitch.

裂为两半的飞贼中,正是那块中间有一道据齿状裂缝的黑石头。The black stone with its jagged crack running down the center sat in the two halves of the Snitch.

这时候校董心想该为学员们争取他们的福利,就招来了广场服务员…On behalf of student welfares , the thoughtful headmaster immediately call for College Square Snitch.

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你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch.

飞贼。他无力的手指在脖子上挂的皮袋里摸索了一会儿,把它掏了出来。The Snitch. His nerveless fingers fumbled for a moment with the pouch at his neck and he pulled it out.

下载完毕后,用如下的命令来完成安装Once you've downloaded The Snitch you will need to run the following command to complete the installation

哎,因为告密者是他的妻子,所以你不能这样做。如果你试图跟她谈论这件事,只会使事情变得更加糟糕。Alas, as the snitch is his wife, you can't do this. Any attempt to discuss it with her will make it worse.

把那些爱打小报告的、罗嗦的、狗腿的同事,还有坏老板通通打倒,爽吧,哈哈。Snitch on those who love the game, wordy , dogleg angel colleagues, bad bosses get knocked Shuangba. haha.

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带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game.

尽管保加利亚队屡屡犯规,克鲁姆也抓住了鬼飞球,但最后还是输给了爱尔兰。Ireland takes an early lead and eventually wins despite repeated Bulgarian fouls and Krum catching the snitch.

其中最大的差异在于麻瓜版魁地奇比赛是在椭圆形的场地上举行,而金探子则是一位穿著黄色衣服的选手。The biggest differences are that playing is done on an oval2 field and the snitch is a player dressed in yellow.