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他指了指绑在柱子上的老乞丐。He pointed to point to bind in the old mendicant on the post.

这可爱的赤裸的乞儿,假装全然无助。This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless.

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很久以后,在鲍尔普尔的一条街上,一个行乞的歌手一面走一面唱Long after this, in a street in Bolpur, a mendicant Baul was singing as he walked along

他们看到他在早饭以后萎靡不振地走着,而且会像叫化子似地,向一个水手伸出手。They saw him slouch forward after breakfast , and , like a mendicant , with outstretched accost a sailor.

用谎言欺骗婆罗门、沙门或其他行乞者,应该知道这种人是无种姓者。Whosoever deceives by uttering lies, a brahman or an ascetic, or any other mendicant — know him as an outcast.

这个爱赤裸着身体的小乞儿,假装完全无助的摸样,是想要乞求妈妈满溢的爱。This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless, so that he may beg for mother's wealth of love.

这个亲爱的赤裸的小小的乞儿,故意装做完全无助的样子,想要以此来乞求妈妈满溢的爱。This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless, so that he may beg for mother's wealth of love.

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这个可爱的小小的裸着身体的乞丐,所以假装着完全无助的样子,便是想要乞求妈妈的爱的财富。This dear little naked mendicant pretends to be utterly helpless, so that he may beg for mother's wealth of love.

多米尼加坚持绝对贫困,拒绝了藏社区物业,并成为像济,乞讨秩序。The Dominicans insisted on absolute poverty, rejecting the possession of community property and becoming, like the Franciscans, a mendicant order.

巴基斯坦是一个失败国家,在中国和美国面前就是一个乞丐。While Pakistan is a failed state and a mendicant before China and USA, China is the biggest enemy of India and she is completely jealous of our progress.

后来他遇到一个宁静,平和的托钵僧,然后他决定过那个云游僧人一样的生活,放弃了他的家庭,财富和对真理的追求。He then came upon a mendicant monk, calm and serene, whereupon he determined to adopt his way of life and forsake family, wealth, and power in the quest for truth.

就是你所说的江湖乞丐,这种人虽然强横不法,但也决不会用了猎枪行凶。Is the lake mendicant of the river whom you say, although this kind of person is arrogant and illegal, certainly would not commit murder with the hunting rifle as well.

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邻近Kampyr-Tepe的地方,我们受邀走访一处佛教的喇嘛寺,托钵的僧侣曾经住在一座地下的迷宫中,以保护他们免受平原的炙热与严寒之苦。And near Kampyr-Tepe, we were invited to the site of a Buddhist lamasery, where the mendicant monks lived underground in a labyrinth, to protect them from the terrible heat and cold of the plain.