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我是用的缝纫机油,别用鞋油就行。^_^。I use sartorius oil. Don't use shoeshine.

颜色相近的鞋油也可以起到同样的作用。The shoeshine of color close also can have similar action.

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2006年加入该事务所后曾陪加德纳去擦鞋店。Gardner to the shoeshine shop after joining the firm in 2006.

2006年加入该事务所后曾陪加德纳去擦鞋店。Gardner to the shoeshine shop after joining the firm in 2006. Mr.

想到威力罗曼,那个满脸笑容的擦鞋童,又是怎样一种心境…Spare a thought for the world's Willy Lomans, riding on a smile and a shoeshine.

真正挣钱的是推销它们的专利鞋油等产品。What earn money truly is the product such as the patent shoeshine that promotes them.

我一定要去找份工作,哪怕擦皮鞋摆小摊,哪怕挑泥浆做小工。I have to look for jobs, even before shoeshine stands, even if doing the mud-Gong pick.

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在迎接客人时,管家应该为客人提供熨烫及擦鞋服务。Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer complimentary pressing and shoeshine service.

躲起来养伤的黑三被擦皮鞋的小女孩二妮子发现,报告给公安局。Three black to hide the wounds of the shoeshine girl two girl was found, report to the public security bureau.

“哈罗,我的朋友,”坐在我身边的一个擦鞋男人对我说,我正在伊斯坦布尔蓝色清真寺附近坐下来抽一支烟。"Hello, my friend, " said the shoeshine man who sat down beside me as I smoked a cigarette near Istanbul's Blue Mosque.

在你的手里摩擦直到你感觉手上发粘,然后在整个头上擦拭。Rub that into your hands until you feel your hands begin to get a tacky feeling, and you wanna shoeshine it over the whole head.

二十世纪前半,男性所接受的指甲修护包含在理发、刮胡子和擦鞋的成套服务内。During the first half of the 20th century, men would receive manicures along with a haircut, shave, and shoeshine in a package deal.

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洗脚这份工作等于擦鞋童的工作,但他因清楚自己的身分,便不怕自毁形象,而作卑微的服事。Washing feet was the equivalent of being a shoeshine boy, a job devoid of status. But Jesus knew who he was, so the task didn't threaten his self-image.

擦地板的时候蘸上点牛奶,可以擦得特别亮,还能用来洗纱窗、擦皮鞋等,牛奶用处可多了。Wipe the floor dipped at a time when milk can be particularly bright polished, can be used to wash window screens, such as shoeshine , to use more milk.

近日,猫扑网的论坛版块上,出现了一个名为“上海城市管理者PK擦皮鞋女”的帖子,引来众人热议。Recently, the cat attacks the forum of the net on edition piece, appeared the name is " Shanghai town supervisor PK shoeshine female " card, draw everybody heat to discuss.