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一种双向的交流。A two-way communication.

二进制数据通信。Binary data communication.

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通信工程。Communication Engineering.

跨浏览器通信。Cross-browser communication.

用4125千赫兹以便通信。Use 4,125 kHz for communication.

用5680千赫兹以便通信。Use 5,680 kHz for communication.

语音通信复合系统?。VCC? Voice Communication Complex?

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可视通信会议?。VCC?Visual Communication Congress?

视频通信处理器?。VCP?Video Communication Processor?

语音数据通信?。VODACOM? VOice DAta COMmunication?

通讯缩短了距离。Communication shortens the distance.

向量通信处理器?。VCP? Vector Communication Processor?

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另一个重点就是沟通交流。Another is the idea of communication.

沟通的渠道也是畅通的。The channel of communication is smooth.

别意与之谁短长?Communication with other short-long Who?

这就是交流的要旨所在。This is the full "communication package.

指存在于两人或多人之间的沟通。Communication between two or more people.

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有着丰富的与用户高层沟通的经验。Good communication with C-Level customer.

良好的协作性和沟通技巧。Good team player and communication skill.

然而,沟通不会总是单方向的。However, communication isn't all one-way.