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这是一张荣军院入口的照片。The entrance to Les Invalides.

请不要使用闪光灯。Les agradeceriamos no usar flash.

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通过这个“麦克”,Les开始演唱。Into this "mike" Les began to sing.

让我们去理诺士毕业典礼看一看!Take a look at the Les Roches Graduation Day!

这是悲惨世界其中的场景。This is from one of the scene of Les Misérables.

人人都觉得里司是学校最酷的人。Everyone thinks Les is the coolest guy in school.

我想他对费迪南的荧光幕也做了相同的事。I think he did the same to Les Ferdinand's screen.

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我的罗特韦尔牧犬莱斯利有同性恋的倾向。My Rottweiler Les is of the homosexual orientation.

在那里Les可以听到芝加哥大街上车辆的声音。There Les could hear the boxcars from the Chicago-St.

我们更喜欢红色而不那么喜欢蓝色,但比起绿色或黄色来又较喜欢蓝色。We like blue les than red but more than green or yellow.

“我没带开瓶器。”莱斯说,“我以为你放进包里带过来了。”"I didn't bring it, " says Les. "I thought you packed it. "

新罗谢尔队的教练是丹·奥布赖恩,而扬克斯队的教练是莱斯·贝克。New Rochelle was coached by Dan O'Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck.

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尤其是涉及到技术方面的时候。Especially the technic expression. Surtout les mots techniques.

卢瓦尔河谷八产区名酒联盟就是卢瓦尔河谷大区的代表。Les Huit de Loire represented Loive Valley wines in this event.

如恶之花那样,恶魔占据我心灵,致命的爱情。Comme les fleurs du mal, dark demons of my soul, un amour fatal.

自从美国人来了以后,他的世界开始变化。Ever since the arrival of les Américains, his world had changed.

我在意大利很受爱戴,但在法国国家队却并非如此。I feel very loved in Italy but less so when I am with Les Bleus.

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雷斯呆在那里,一边手仍罩着他健康的右乳,柔软、温暖、沉实。Les hung there, one hand still cupping her healthy right breast.

莱斯·哈雷现在可以把约翰尼借出去,并把大部分的钱装入口袋。Les Halley could now loan Johnny out and pocket most of the money.

莱斯确实打了电话,但却并没有打给其他主持人。Les did dial the telephone, but it wasn’t to call in another deejay.