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其次,需要打击地方主义。Second, the need to combat localism.

相较而言,意大利从来没有跨越地方主义。By contrast, Italy never overcame localism.

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地方主义的错误思想必须要得到及时纠正。The false ideology of localism must be corrected quickly.

对阎锡山的地方主义的评价亦应如此。This equally applies to the appraisal of Yan Xishan's localism.

对于狩猎和采集的人们来说,这种地方特性是既定的。For hunting and gathering people, localism of this kind was a given.

民国时期一度盛行的地方主义的产生,主要是这三大因素共同作用的结果。The appearance of localism at the period of Minguo is the result of these three factors.

对于学者们,老调的地方主义——下放权利给当选的市长之类——实在无聊。For thinkers, plain old localism —devolving power to elected mayors and the like—is boring.

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由此,乡土小说和其创作者的幸与不幸都在这里了。From it, there was all fortunate and unfortunate of the Chinese localism fiction and its authors.

坚持这些简单却令人震惊的推理,不要被地方主义的华丽辞藻所蒙蔽。Hold on to these simple but devastating deductions and do not be fooled by the rhetoric of localism.

对地域性表现的程度是决定话本小说成就的一个重要因素。The level of localism is one of the important factors deciding the merits of story-telling script stories.

地方主义和中央权威的冲突贯穿国民党政府的始终。The conflict between localism and the central authority went through the history of Kuomingtang Government.

1957年的经济改革,因采行领土原则而导致有民族主义意味的地方主义。It was the decentralizing economic reform of 1957, which adopted the territorial principle and led to pro-nationalist localism.

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本文由此提出了“流动的地方性”这一概念,以期进一步反思地方史路径的空间局限。The author introduces a new concept of "moving localism" which might be helpful to broaden the space for local history studies.

各县之间地方主义很重,一县内的各区乃至各乡之间也有很深的地方主义。Localism exists to a serious extent in the relations between counties and even between districts and townships within the same county.

例如反革命的两拾会剿”,使人民在斗争中有了共同的利害,才可以逐渐地打破他们的地方主义。For instance, it is only when counter-revolutionary "joint suppression" campaigns by the two provinces make the people share a common lot in struggle that their localism is gradually broken down.

而且不仅是希腊人作为一个群体被排除在,世界之外,希腊内部也出现了问题,它曾经也是一个贸易中心,人们从其他地方赶来又走向另一个地方,而此时,地方主义开始兴起And not only are the Greeks as a whole cut off from the rest of the world, but Greece itself, which used to be an area of easy exchange, where people could go from one place to the other and did, localism now comes into the picture.