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别再折腾我的酸橙树了。去做点什么!Stop fondling my limes and do something!

突然你正在抚摸一个了不起的创造。Suddenly you're fondling an amazing creation.

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我喜欢抚著妳的秀发吻著妳的脸。I love fondling your hair and kissing your face.

你怎么能说我苛刻呢,你这怪脾气的宝贝?How can you say I am harsh, you naughty fondling?

在一整天干尽了坏事后,有时到晚上她又来撒娇想和解。After behaving as badly as possible all day, she sometimes came fondling to make it up at night.

仅仅是爱抚也变成了一种犯罪,但是它通常被称作犯罪性接触或者其他相似的名字。Mere fondling is also a crime, but it's usually called criminal sexual contact or something similar.

我的话引起了我的喉咙,她拉我到她的脸,给我一个长吻,还抚摸我。My words caught in my throat, and she pulled my face to hers, giving me a long kiss, still fondling me.

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爱子心切的父亲为救儿子,四处陈情,但却也被关进牢中。The father that fondling heart cuts is help a son, everywhere Chen Qing, but however also by coop prison in.

该男孩的弟弟作证说他曾经在两次不同的场合看到迈克.杰克逊抚弄他的哥哥。The boy’s younger brother testified that he had seen Mr. Jackson fondling his brother on two other occasions.

艾伦观察了一会儿,饱受眼前的景象所困惑,一个成年人深情地爱抚着他的泰迪小熊。Allen watches a moment, perplexed by the sight of a grown man fondling a teddy bear. Then, he ventures a guess.

专家说,发生在睡梦中的性行为从简单的呻吟、抚摸到直接的性行为。Sexual behaviors that occur during sleep range from simple moaning to fondling to outright intercourse, scientists say.

认知事物,发现关联,学习英文,在游戏中学习认知,宝宝爱不释手。Strengthen the child's ability of cognizance and imagination. Learning both Alphabet in game, will spark in the child fondling adoration.

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她一想到当英迪亚告诉媚兰,说她看见艾希礼在抚爱思嘉,媚兰眼睛里会出现什么样的神色时,便簌簌落泪了。But she burst into tears at the thought of what would be in Melanie's eyes when India told her that she had caught Ashley fondling Scarlett.

请注意目前评论是我根据对pre早期样机的近距离观察以及短暂的触摸体验所得出。Please note that these comments are only from close examination of a brief fondling of one of the Pre-Pre Production device Palm is using here.

古往今来人们观赏它、珍藏它,试图解开这个藏着无数古代秘密的金属之符,沉浸其中乐而忘返。People in both ancient and modern times were immersed in fondling sand collecting the coins, trying to discover the old mysteries hidden in these metals.

不要以为所有的恋人否则月光下的湖泊抚摸每个其他笨拙地在黑暗中越来越行不通因为您和您的大口。Don't think of all the lovers by an otherwise moonlit lake fondling each other clumsily in the blackness getting nowhere because of you and your big mouth.

自四川商人邓家林在车内抚摸乘客的照片被传播已经两个月了,拍照的摄像头是警方表面上用来设套抓超速车辆的。It has been two months since a camera the police had ostensibly set up to snare speeders caught Deng Jialin, a Sichuan province businessman, fondling a passenger in his car.

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一名被控对27名女病人伸出袭胸狼爪的牙医师,正力图保住他的牙医执照,辩称在某些病例中,胸部按摩是恰当的疗程。A dentist accused of fondling the breasts of 27 female patients is trying to keep his dental license by arguing that chest massages are an appropriate procedure in certain cases.

影片显示,这名模特儿在以色列DJ舒姆立克.塔雅的广播节目专辑中,抚弄并舔舐这条大蛇,后来这条蛇对福克斯变得不安份,然后用牙咬住她硕大的左乳。The video shows the model fondling and licking the serpent for a feature in Israeli DJ Shmulik Tayar's radio show, before the snake got fresh with Fox and latched on to her bountiful left breast.