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软件类。Software category.

一言以蔽之,软件。In a word, software.

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安装该软件。Install the software.

该软件是免费的。This software is free.

我是一个软件园丁。I am a Software Gardener.

系统上位机软件采用。PC software is made up on.

使用剧本撰写软件。Use screenwriting software.

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禁止反病毒软件的运行。Disable anti-virus software.

我们经营软件产品。We handle software products.

软件行业会是一个反例吗?Is software a counterexample?

我们想向你们出售软件。We want to sell you software.

什么是公开源码软件?What is open source software?

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不需要论文和软件。No paper or software required.

规定支持软件。Provision supporting software.

那么人们为什么置备软件呢?So why do people buy software?

我该怎样编写可性能调优的软件呢?How do I make software tunable?

只使用免费软件。Uses exclusively free software.

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为什么要整体软装设计?Why design software installed ?

系统与应用软体“,”System and Application Software.

他是计算机软件方面的行家里手。He's expert at computer software.