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国际扶轮社不具有任何政治倾向,欢迎所有文化、种族和信仰。Rotary clubs are nonpolitical and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

他学会了以榜样来领导别人,不久就发现他的祖国需要一支专业的、非政治性的军队。He learned to lead by example and soon recognized his own country’s need for a professional, nonpolitical military.

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这就是所谓“完美的”、长效和“无关政治的”价格控制的后果。These are the consequences of what might be described as perfect, " long-continued, and " nonpolitical " price control.

这说明媒体开始在政治和非政治很多问题上起到了舆论监督作用。上面所说的不过是其中一些例子。These cases are but a few examples of how our press begin to act as a watchdog on a wider range of both political and nonpolitical issues.

这一界定,有利于分清合法与非法、政治性与非政治性的界限,防止政策上的左右摇摆。This definition benefits to distinguish the boundary between the legality and illegality, between political and nonpolitical in order to prevent the yawing on policy.

报告显示因非政治犯罪被判刑的人一般都会被送到改造监狱,在那里凡人被迫进行高强度强制劳动。Reports indicated that those sentenced to prison for nonpolitical crimes were typically sent to reeducation prisons where prisoners were subjected to intense forced labor.

在真正由于非政治性的罪行或违背联合国的宗旨和原则的行为而被起诉的情况下,不得提用此种权利。This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from nonpolitical crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

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布什曾经说过将出席奥运会,但现在变得不确定。国会的许多人建议他不要参加。President Bush, who plans to attend the Games, has said that he considers the Olympics nonpolitical but has not specified whether he intends to participate in the opening ceremony.

总统可以任命各部,署首脑和高级官员。联邦政府大部分工作人员是通过非政治性的公务员制挑选的。The president appoints the heads and senior officials of the executive branch agencies, the large majority of federal workers, however, are selected through a nonpolitical civil service system.

让一名由政府指派的的非政界强硬派行使董事会权力,通过可行的商业计划在尽可能短的时间里拯救通用。And a government-appointed receiver — someone hard-nosed and nonpolitical — should have broad power to revamp G.M. with a viable business plan and return it to a private operation as soon as possible.